
Move Tonight (2020 Remaster) - XWaves


Name Boogie
Age ??? (Adult)
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns They/It
Species Bomb Boo
Height 5'0
Birthday October 14th
Eyes Gold
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Owner of The Haunted Nights
Role Supporting Character


     Rising from the warm sands of a forgotten desert at sundown, this Bomb Boo has no memory of where they came from, how they got there, or how their game ended. All they know is that they have an unknown passion for song and dance. They temporarily took shelter in a Boohemoth's Boo House, but quickly became restless and realized they were not fit to be a follower. Nameless at the time, it travelled alone searching for a new place to call home. Settling for a dusty old shack up in the mountains, it kept upgrading the small hovel until it evolved into the hottest discotech for villains and misfits alike.

     Boogie is now the proud owner of the Haunted Nights; a lively paradise that recently-defeated villains frequent when they need a break to kick back and have some senseless fun. It's a great place to de-stress, and lots of sketchy folk also come here to discuss plans and make deals. As such, Boogie has become someone who not only knows everyone, but also knows a fair amount of anyone's recent plots or schemes. But it couldn't really care less. Boogie is a very chaotic-neutral party that pretty much always chooses the option that seems like the most fun. They seek self-satisfaction above all else and just want to have a fun night with the boys. And it might just get even more interesting when a ghostly king starts frequenting the joint. Wonder why.


  • Electro Funk
  • Roaring Crowds
  • Being a Tease
  • Anything Shiny
  • King Boo


  • Their Hat Being Removed
  • Sour Foods
  • Being Teased
  • Having their furniture broken
  • Rules