
Color & Electricity - Mushi-P, Hatsune Miku


Name Mya'Mor
Age ??? [ADULT]
Gender Genderfluid
Pronouns Any
Species Experimental Ectonurite
Height 6'0"
Birthday October 13th
Eyes Green
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation High Ecto-Lady
Role Supporting Character


     The entity known as Mya'Mor (pronounced Mi Amor, or "My Love" in Spanish), was made from a Human and an Ectonurite being spliced together by Dr. Animo. It was during one of his many attempts at creating abominations when he had his hands on alien DNA. But the experiment went a bit differently, interestingly amplifying their individual worst traits. It created a monsterous love-starved eldritch ghost that fed on affection. Whatever it drained of love, he would consume and merge with.

     The experiment escaped with no knowledge on where to go or what to do. He wandered aimlessly until she discovered Undertown, and eventually, the entire universe she could explore through the Plumber system. He heard of the Ectonurite's homeworld, and figured if there was anywhere they'd belong, it could be there. They inevitably found their way to Anur Transyl, but doubt plagued their mind, and it still found it difficult to actually try to belong with the locals. So, she kept his distance...

     Mya'Mor resembles that of a Hispanic myth. It barely remembers its previous life, though she remembers he was once human. It displays a very reserved behavior, fully aware of their need for consuming love but not wishing to hurt anyone. It usually stays in the background of fights and flees at the slightest of sounds. But upon arriving on Anur Transyl, he unintentionally stumbled across an Ecto-Lord. One who became very curious of its background and abilities. But even the afterlife has its ways of making even the oddest of couples.


  • The Moon & Stars
  • Flying
  • Flowers
  • Orchestras
  • Comfort


  • Sunlight
  • Overwhelming noises
  • Staring
  • Being Chased
  • Dr. Animo