[taken] Sahar



6 years, 4 months ago



Will add her info later.

She's a myo wildling I designed myself. Hybrid; Echinoden/Nerensis.
Theme:  Schala from Chrono Trigger

She has the wing ear trait, its hard to see in the ref.

Personality:  Sahar seems to be a fairly timid mare, often seeming a bit unsure of herself and others off the bat, though when she meets someone she's got an excellent judge of character. Even if you're the most intimidating, big and spooky wildling or beast, she'll somehow see right through it and know whether you're a truly kind soul or not. If you are, you're likely to have her company for a while, as she doesn't often like being alone.

Background:  When Sahar was very small, her family went on a trip in hopes of visiting the other side of her genes, her Nerensis side via the far off woods. To do that, they had to travel through the desert with her, and unfortunately, there was an incident in which her parents were killed and she was left all alone in the desert only to be found later on by a passing wildling and brought back to her birth home.
She lives alone now, though sometimes other Echinoden offer for her to stay with them for short periods of time so she doesn't feel so alone in the world.

The pendant she wears under her scarf is the last thing she has left from her parents aside from their old home. The pendant itself is much like a catalyst to help her amplify and control her magic easier.

Despite all that's happened in her life, Sahar would absolutely still like to travel out of the desert and into the world, she feels it is what her parents would have wanted for her, but being small and not skilled in fighting or defense, she needs to count on others to keep her safe if she were to do this.