
1 year, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Base Value


Art Value



Name: Chloe

Nickname: Cloe

Species: Rare Firework Fury(closed species by dallis not found on insta)Gender: Female

Crush: Indigo(Lucious_artzs)

Mate: Indigo(Lucious_artzs)

Hatchling(s): None rn

Likes: She likes being with her mate indigo. She loves flying during sunsets. She loves flowers. She likes shiny things. Spring/Summer. 

Dislikes: She doesn’t like storms, Thunder, Winter/Fall, Humans, Trappers, Hunters, Man made things

Personality: she’s a very kind dragon. She loves making friends. She’s protective over her friends/family. Shes sweet and caring. Can be a bit overprotective. Is gentle. Has a soft heart.

Habitat: Hidden World

Food: FisH

Closed species by: dallisnotfound

Base by: gugarts

I don’t have the exact person who created her so if u do or r that person please contact me and I will credit properly!💜✨