Baliye's Comments

Hcs I have for this character : 

As an Envy sin, he's naturally envious and tends to get rather jealous, even of his friends when they accomplish something. That's not to say he doesn't love them, it just means that he wishes he could do something great too. He wants to be able to feel like he deserves the ones he has, to have what they have so in a sense they can have the same footing, same experiences, so he feels he can understand better. 

For the first few months at school in the Envy District, he would tell the teachers a different name everyday up until he got reprimanded harshly by the disciplinary committee. 

The knife in his head was a "gift" from his mother. She used him like a knife block. This was normal, as Zombies have no feeling in their body at all. They fall apart but usually they regenerate only to fall apart again because they're naturally decaying organisms that also regenerate. This is a trait not all Zombies have in the same way, everyone can regenerate but not to the same extent /depends on bloodline\ He is one of the more compatible offspring. 

Because of his high ability level, the King of Envy took immediate interest in him and offered lessons to the boy personally. Envy had but one child, a son who was a little younger. But he was his boy and silently being groomed to be the next Demon King of Envy from behind those big obsidian walls. The King sees him as a son, and treats him as one, more than his own, this being due to the fact that his own son was born without any power, this caused by the negligence of himself, for being tricked into a marriage with a succubus from the Lust district, and having incompatible children, whom after she left the child in his care, she also departed from their lives. The boy visits his mother during off season, when the Blood Bristles sprout during the first Pink sunrise. It happens during the middle of the year, as they have multiple suns and moons. 

He isn't a good weapon fighter, in fact he's pretty awful with swords, scythes and other things like that. He's just too short and due to his bloodline ability, his body never has proper footing due to his constantly shifting bodyweight/muscle mass. His weight is never the same for a couple of minutes. 

He enjoys eating other demons more than he enjoys eating animals or those of the living. He is one of the few demons who have been told by the assortment clerk, "Honestly, you could've gone into Gluttony or Wrath if you'd wanted to." Meaning he had the capability of being able to be classified into three different classes? His soul is incredibly resilient! Almost unheard of, which is why Envy desires him to be the next King. 

closing this early bc I am OBSESSED with the story and these headcannons!! they should alr be pending! <3


Was gonna post this in amino but it restricted my chr limit 🕴🏻I wasn't sure If I was supposed to comment on the blog, the chr or msg you so Ig here I am, I'm so sorry but I hope this us okay 😭

Story of his character:

He's one of the natural born zombies in the Dead Realm, a reality made for the dead. There's ones who were made in this realm, and those who pass on from another life and are reincarnated as ghouls in this reality. The other half of that dimensions coin. Though their causality works in three plains. Zombies, are a special type of species. There's two variations, the Born Dead Faction, and the ones who once walked amongst the living. He is one of those born Zombies. /classification of faction/sin is very important due to bloodlines and the ability to properly use your power. If your sin/soul is incompatible, or your bloodlines are incompatible, your offspring will have no power/a moot ability./ Him being one of the pure offling Zombies though, he does have power. He's from the Sloth District, a district that is raught with corruption and dreams. The entire place is always dark, everyone is usually following whims, an incredibly lazy place, where motivation is something that must be built up for it to boil over. He, by nature, is a very lax soul, as that is his sin. That is his category. /soul type, becoming closer to your sin is how you grow in power/ He grew up in the Sloth District, lonely and isolated. His family were undead, and unsalvageable. While they are all still alive, he was only used as their scapegoat for their expenses.  He has been working as a common thief on the backways of Sloth since he can remember. He was born for one purpose, do as his parents desired. He was born more do to be a pet, not their child. In the Sloth district, there's the least amount of laws pertaining to children/lost souls of children than in any other district. Aside from the Dead Realm Compendium, which is the laws that govern all the districts, Sloth has no extra laws. Sloth doesn't pay mind to children being enlisted into hard labor, dangerous work environments, etc. Just a terrible environment, the most povertish or all the districts. He was born into this district, but once he went to the assortment center, he found that his assigned sin was Envy. He's an exceedingly jealous entity by nature, he wants so deeply what others have and he'll do absolutely anything to get it. Envy can be in many things, but he typically favors those who have someone to cherish them in their life. Envys are typically avoided due to their destructive nature. Once his sin was accounted for, he was offered the chance to exchange districts and he immediately took the opportunity, and was put into a facility for Envy children without parents in the district. He is at a boardingschool for Envious youth, and he's learning more and more about himself, and he's growing into quite the envious little attention seeker. His parents upon losing him, never tried to contact, that is until he made his way into the Elite Envys, the highest ranking students at his school in the Envy district. He was naturally gifted with his bloodline magic : "Muscle" which is the compatible bloodline magic making a new ability, a bond between two compatible bloodlines and sins : Gluttony and Sloth. His ability allows him to expand his muscle mass extensively, his musclemass must maintain the general structure of his body, but it comes in very handy! His puppet strings, are also a subsection of his ability, something that came with his Envious mother. She was a puppet demon, someone who could manipulate what others did, to make them do what she wanted. She so badly wanted him to have this power, and she thought for sure the strings was a sure fire sign she'd won the genetic gene pool this time! But, no. She just won the looks. He has a power leaning more towards his father's power. He was a child of Sloth and Gluttony himself, though his own power was Sloth related and so was his catagorization. The boy recieved a recessive bloodline power. /his mother gave him his toy puppet in an attempt to force him into having her bloodline ability, that if she worked hard enough, she could fix him/ It didn't work. He is the youngest in the school to ever become an Envy Elite. His substantial prowess has the 7th King of Sloth interested, as he was born in hus district and he feels he has claim to the boy and his power. He denied him, and his proclamation, renouncing Sloth as his King and running full force into Envy's army. He joined the training forces, meaning that when the day comes, he will be enlisted as one of the generals of the King of Envy's army. Envy has significantly more laws on child endangerment, so he can only become an acting general at 15. Still not great, but better. He spent his life serving others and their whims, and he took hus chance, and now he's going to be envied by everyone, when he helps stop this war between the three plains /Aether/Living Realm/Dead Realm\ Everyone has desires, sins, but he wants to prove that he's at peace with himself, that he can be his own person, and that he can have it all.