Birlow Nightingale



6 years, 2 months ago


hes a well off pilot, really doesnt like flying with his own wings so he flies the machines instead 

his dream is to be a airline pilot

Full Name: Birlow Nightingale

Also Known As:

Species: Bird Anthro

Gender: Trans Man

Age: 33

Birthday: April 1st, 1985

Birthplace: Chicago

Current Residence: Oklahoma

Current Occupation: Pilot

Heritage: Unknown

Sexual Orientation: Pan

Marital Status: Single

Languages Spoken: English, Chinese, Spanish

Religious Beliefs: Uncertain

Abilities, Skills, and Powers: Good at flying planes.

Notable Strengths: Planes, bravery when others are in danger.

Notable Weaknesses: Flying on his own, staying calm under social pressure.

Physical Appearance: Red bird man.

Usual Attire: Pilot gear.

Inventory: A book of riddles, many moneys, a stone he found when visiting Scotland.

Vehicle(s): Big ol' plane.

Personality Details: A good boy who feels like he has to perform to meet the expectations of others.

Backstory: Rich Kid's Camp dot com.

Close Friends:

Worst Enemies:

Known Family:


Likes: Planes, bananas, accumulating souvenirs as reminders of experiences.

Dislikes: Judgmental people, being the center of attention, feeling the wind on his face.

Phobias and Mental Illnesses: Social anxiety.

Physical Disabilities: Broke his right wing when he was a child; it never healed right, so he flies with a "limp".

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

Theme Song(s): TBD

Miscellaneous Trivia: Wants to eat the sun.