


1 year, 7 months ago



Feb 29
Gender (info)
Species/Race (info)
Height (info)
Weight (info)
Blood Type (info)
Orientation lesbian
Occupation student
Birth Place (info)
Residence Place (info)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tincidunt sapien eget lectus hendrerit placerat. Cras sagittis turpis et diam scelerisque, ut molestie lacus aliquet. Ut finibus turpis nec diam vehicula finibus. Donec id tortor ipsum. Duis sit amet nisl cursus odio accumsan viverra at vel tortor.


Rosalina was named after her lovely pink hair and horns. Her hair is silky and soft, flowing through the wind effortlessly. she is often seen wearing clothes paired with pants / long sleeves / turtlenecks. Clothing is always the ones that show the least skin. at times, she may even wear gloves and socks in unnecessary places just to feel comfortable. People's first impressions of her is well, nothing special. She mostly behaves like a ghost, expressions always maintaining a blank one.


Remember the quiet kid in your school that never hangs out with anyone? it's her. it's not that she doesn't want to, she isn't allowed to. Rosalina is eager to explore, eager to get out, but she just can't. (explained in childhood section) she often sits in friend groups, but honestly, people hardly notice that she is there. Rosalina is a calm girl - most times at least, pretty laid back and such, and she always seem to know when you're approaching so she's never surprised. she is VERY observant, she will notice even the smallest details, thw way you hold your spoon, the way you tie your shoes, and how you smiled so brightly when a topic was mentioned.


Her parents were very strict, and had severe angry issues. Her mom could go into such a rage over trivial matters to the point where she gets a heary attack. Rosalina was pinched, spanked or verbally abused whenever she does something wrong. Scratch that, she was berated for any small action. ate before the scheduled meal times? she'll get body shamed. ate too little? still body shamed. Her parents always love to say that this is how they show love and care, Rosalina believed it. It felt like she was walking on eggshells, one wrong move and she'll get hurt. There was these "invisible rules" so she called, these are rules of her that were never verbally said or in any way for that matter, but she may still face severe punishment for breaking rules she never knew existed. Every friend she makes gets interrogated by her mother, it makes rosalina and her friend uncomfortable to always have such watchful eyes 24/7 so rosalina finds it incredibly difficult to makw and keep friends. If Rosalina behaves well, her parents are nice to her. neglect was never a problem, the fact that it was the other extreme end - insane protectiveness, was happening.


The physical punishment such as spanking and pinching stopped. But the verbal abuse seemed to be worse. Now, Rosalina is blamed for things that she may have had absolutely no connection to. Rosalina fears for her life to be close to anyone at this age, especially members of the male gender, since her parents always assume that it's her boyfriend. And let me tell you the absolute rage that her mom flies into, even if her rage only came from an assumption. She would throw objects, insult Rosalina, calling her a whore, ungrateful and etc. Even at this age, she still hasn't left the house or hung out with any of her friends EVEN if they havw been friends for years and years, im talking 7-9 years here, because her mom won't allow her. No, not even a simple mall trip or a coffee shop 2 streets away from her home is allowed. She is still monitored 24/7 no less than her childhood, and the rage her mom explodes into just seems to get worse year by year.



  • Only has two pairs of shoes, others are borrowed from her friend, Aelia.
  • Writing as a hobby
  • Has a pet goldfish, named hamster.
  • Due to being heavily sheltered all her life, she is very dependent and finds it hard to live on her own.
  • Undiagnosed bipolar
  • Really good at computers for some reason
  • She often cuts her hair, but it still grows rapidly.
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia
  • Trivia

  • Sunflowers
  • Sweaters
  • Writing on paper
  • Sunrise
  • Afternoons
  • Noodles
  • Florescent yellow
  • Home
Palette Color
  • (info)
  • (info)
  • (info)
  • (info)
  • (info)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique fringilla viverra. Fusce mattis massa vitae rutrum imperdiet. Vivamus id laoreet felis. Nullam molestie neque id malesuada fringilla. Fusce ac tincidunt arcu, in tempor lacus. Donec vestibulum ac magna in lacinia. Sed non convallis nulla. Ut vulputate tortor tellus, lacinia vehicula lacus eleifend quis. Nunc imperdiet nisi sit amet velit tincidunt, facilisis sagittis risus luctus. Duis malesuada tempus mauris.

Code by Hestiaria