200 pt warriors adopts! [2/10]



1 year, 7 months ago


all these kitties are up for adoption, 200 points each !

ive given them names and mini descriptions, feel free to scrap these and do whatever the heck you want with these designs once you own them ! they don’t even have 2 b warrior cats.
im also posting this 2 deviant art :] https://www.deviantart.com/dew-drops-on-roses/art/200-pt-warrior-cat-adopts-933165362

1: peach’dazzle - taken

peach’dazzle is a fluffy tabby ginger and white cat with blue eyes. they take great pride in their appearance and have a big ego, often acting self-centered, but they are a sweet cat.

2: rowan’rose - pending

rowan’rose is a red tabby-and-white cat with gold eyes and long curly fur. they are melancholic and keep to themself, but they’re also idealistic and a hopeless romantic.

3: buffalo’speckle - taken

buffalo’speckle is a brown tabby cat with amber eyes, thick, spiky fur, and many scars. they have a lot of endurance. though they seem tough, they care a lot and would die for any one of their clanmates.

4: bat’stomp - open

bat’stomp is a dark gray cat with yellow eyes, messy, spiky fur, and dragonfly wings in their fur. they are selfish and untrustworthy unless you are one of the few cats they care about- then you have their undying loyalty.

5: inky’sky - taken

inky’sky is a gray and black tabby cat with white, long, flowy fur, blue eyes, and petals in their fur. they’re considered beautiful but mysterious by many, though those who know them know they’re pretty open and honest.

6: wisp’dove - taken

wisp’dove is a white and tabby gray cat with lilac-colored eyes. they are withdrawn and secretive, not even open with those closest to them. despite being a rule breaker, they always manage to get out of trouble somehow.

7: rue’fade - taken

rue’fade is cream cat with green eyes and yellow flowers in their fur. they are constantly judged for their family’s mistakes, but they try to keep a positive mindset. they are often left behind and forgotten about.

8: blueberry’fuzz - taken

blueberry’fuzz is a dilute calico cat with blue-green eyes, fluffy fur, and blueberries in their fur. they are lighthearted and love a good joke, and almost nothing can keep them down for long.

9: pearl’scale - taken

pearl’scale is a white cat with small brown patches, blue eyes, and a fish scale necklace. they are pretty down-to-earth, but also a little spoiled. the leader of the clan favors them.

10: mere’screech - taken

mere’screech is a short tortoiseshell cat with green eyes. they may be small, but don’t let their appearance fool you- they are absolutely a force to be reckoned with. they’ve got a few anger issues, really.