Anchovy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

You cannot resell for more than purchased unless it comes with additional art. You cannot keep a "trade value" unless it comes with additional art. Trading does not increase or decrease value.

Aibou Global Rules


Do not resell for more than purchased unless it comes with additional art. Do not keep a trade value tracker unless the design comes with additional art, trading DOES NOT increase value.

Do not use to glorify or promote abhorrent content such as: CP, loli/shotacon, Zoophillia, ists [sexist, racist, etc], phobics [transphobia, homophobia, aphobia etc, NOT actual phobias such as trypophobia]. Displaying these as wrong is different.

I do not want to be associated with these things, thank you.

You may edit my initial art, however you can also ask me to do so as it might be easier since I have access to the layers (you are free to ask at any time). Do not trace my art and claim it as your own. Do not use my art/designs for adoptables. You may change the design however much you'd like after you've obtained it through fair means [buying, trading, being gifted]

Pokemon adoptables currently have a discount from $30USD to $20USD for Non Chibi evolution designs for any future owners (as long as the design hasn't already been made or if you're looking for a redesign of the evolution). Feel free to ask if I have the space for them in my queue!

Do not trade/gift/sell to or otherwise give ownership or partial ownership to users on this list:


Do NOT use my characters in any way without my WRITTEN PERMISSION. Do NOT use my art in any way without my WRITTEN PERMISSION. Do NOT crop or edit or repost without my WRITTEN PERMISSION. Do NOT use as faceclaims. You may use my art or designs as an example of something you'd like WITHIN REASON. Near copies are NOT OK. Heavy reffing the art is NOT OK. Pose reffing is OK. Colour picking is OK to LEARN/REFERENCE, not to recreate the palette entirely for something similar to the base design.

Do not add these characters to dreamie lists.