


6 years, 4 months ago


Zodiac Snake

Appearance: He has longish, slightly messy green hair. His hairstyle is asymmetrical; it is longer on the left side than on his right. He looks serious, or annoyed most of the time. He is Sheratan’s younger brother (a reference to how snakes were believed to be descendants of dragons in Chinese mythology). He is also one of the Four Symbols, his true form being the Black Turtle.

Sex: Male

Chronological Age: Approx. 2,500 yrs old

Physical Age: Young adult

Birthday: Unknown

Hair Colour: Blue-tinted green hair

Eye Colour: Crimson

Status: Alive

Aldebaran is rather quiet and tends to act mature.However, he tends to act mean to those he loves. He usually enjoys denying things, even if others can see he likes it. He is like an open book but no one has the courage to tell him otherwise. He doesn’t like nonsense but gets himself into the others antics more often than he’d like. He is rather sympathetic towards others, even though he does not show it.