


1 year, 8 months ago


The parent looked down at their two beautiful twin pups, adoring the both of them and heart swelling with love and affection, even for the odd little one that seems to have ended up with one too many eyes. Otherwise, both were happy, healthy and strong, and one could hardly ask for more then that. Not long after, something else seemed to catch their eye. A little runed stone that had been pressed into their palm for letting a witch escape some time ago, now seemed to be glowing with a steady pulse, growing, the glow becoming stronger and remaining for longer. Despite worry nagging at you, you pick it up. The same time that the stone rests within their grip, a loud knock comes to the door, one they feel compelled to answer, only to find no one on the other side. The stone now glowing nonstop before it let out a burst of magic through the house, before settling, now dormant.

As things settled, they went back their pups, only to be startled as they found one now adorned with a halo and wings. Aww, what a cute treat!