Spencer's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Fa01adh Global Rules
Rules of my Designs and/or Originally owned characters: If a design is traded or gifted to you, you may not go and resell that character without the creation of any additional artwork. Furthermore prices are preferred to be within reason, If I gift you a design and you scribble a single sketch of it then try to resell it for $50 or some shit, I will not tolerate that, and you will be put on a permanent blacklist. If you lose interest in a design I gifted to you you are welcome to gift it back to me and I will try to find it a home, or you may trade or gift it to another person, it is up to you. Once a design is yours it is YOURS, do as you please, redesign it if you'd like, incorporate design elements into other characters of yours if you want, I genuinely don't care. BUT if I see anything such as NSFW feral or anything of that kind being done with that character, you WILL be put on a blacklist and you may not interact nor get characters from me ever again. If you are inspired by one of my characters designs, and wish to use its color palette or some design elements, GO AHEAD, all I ask is that you don't completely rip off my characters, I welcome people to find inspiration and ideas in my designs and run with it.