
1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Admits he's at least 30 but he's much older, he won't tell exactly




A certified himbo cucumber running the rails of the Deep Sea Metro for Kamabo Co. Personality wise, at the start he was very diligent and hardworking but became looser, laid back, and a flirty guy who loves to tease, especially after starting his side job and meeting Iso Padré. Though he knows when to stop playing around and get serious when it counts.

Originally referred to by his employee number, especially by Tartar but due to many patrons of the Deep Sea Metro's Stripclub referring him as Q.T. he adopted and claims it as his true name. He loves teasing and using this name to annoy Tartar; rubbing it in his employer's face that he fully knows he's a cute guy.

Q.T. used to be a regular cucumber, working the metro as always until one fateful day he stumbled  upon a serum and other dubious scientific test tubes. Him with his infinite wisdom thought that it was a good idea to consume and even gave some to his long time buddy Iso Padré. This causes them to both assume a more human like appearance while still retaining qualities of their previous forms. The substance in question was actually the concoction that Tartar was saving and perfecting so he could finally make himself into a fully fledged human, the species he regarded as the superior lifeforms. Having found it gone to a cucumber & isopod, Tartar threatens to fire them from their Metro jobs as well as with surgical tests (to salvage back what he lost), and blackmails the newly transformed friends.

Now closely monitored by the CEO of Kamabo himself, Q.T. and Iso Padré are given the highly classified tasks of setting up and testing (sometimes on themselves) any new test facilities that comes from Tartar. This causes Q.T. to become jaded over the years, after all as far as he was concerned he was getting an increased paycheck and was saving his own hide. However after seeing how tests have affected Iso Padre's memories and general mental state and catching a glimpse 1st hand the horrors of test subjects getting blended into a collection of material goo, he regrets being so selfish and actually finds the resolve to put an end to Tartar's plans.

After the events of Octo Expansion, he starts opening up more to the idea of finding a partner and starts a relationship with Vespera, a mysterious but frequent customer of the stripclub he works at.

In an AU, he dates and marries Jackie (a friend's OC) instead, who's also a  frequent customer. A powerful himbo-bimbo couple if you will. They have kids Stella, Cosmos, and Nebula (Nebby); all named after space terminology for their freckles and the hope that they can shine brightly and achieve whatever dreams and aspirations they form as they grow.

Fun Facts

  • Taught Tartar how to speak the "fresh" slang that inkling and octos speak
  • Is a very terrible cook
  • A pet peeve of his is whenever customers managed to turn the tables on him during flirting since that's supposed to be HIS JOB, he's not supposed to be the blushing mess!