🏝️ Snuggles



1 year, 7 months ago


Snuggles Wuggy "Snuggy Wuggy" Mime

Squall (born staxie)
AFAB Non-binary
Current Age
Young adult
Squall biped
Magic Gland
Squall ribs
"Hi... I'm Snuggles. You might know my mom? Pistachio Mime?"

Snuggles is a squall that transformed from a staxie during a deeply emotional episode he had in his young teenhood. He has an appreciation for the gentle, soft, and delicate. Though, at times, he can come across quite coarse without realizing. He's fascinated by magic because of his mother, Pistachio. He's also the son of Pantomime and the brother of Rata, Ata, Amoeba, and Fusarium.


Snuggles has always felt different than his peers since he was young. He has always thought far too much about how others feel about him that he forgot that who he wants to be is entirely up to him. Unfortunately, this insecurity in who he was often made him come off as unapproachable and judgemental. He was harsh with himself and others which made it hard for him to make friends.

But after years of worry, nerves, and anxiety compounding on top of him, he's finally starting to feel like things might turn out okay. He's still the same worrywort that he always was, but he's finally ready to accept the help and support he's been offered. He's old enough to realize that now, he has control over what happens to him. And while it doesn't stop him from having moments of melencholy, he's going to keep his eyes towards the future.


Design Notes

Snuggles has a stout build and a wide flat face. He has beldam (button) eyes!! The face-like design on his face are markings. He is meant to resemble that of rubberface dolls.



Snuggles was left at the stumphouse as an egg like many others. He had been teased and bullied enough to believe there was a more significant reason that he was left at the stumphouse. He also believed no one else could understand how he felt... or that anyone else might feel similarly. Being a crybaby made him a source of more teasing, and he wasn't very trusting of many other staxies. The only true friend he made was Blueprint, a staxie he truly felt he could trust.

One day, he was adopted by Pantomime, who offered Snuggles a home. Snuggles anxiously accepted with big dreams of finally being part of a "proper" family. Just for worry to slam onto him because of the clutch of eggs that his parents were accepting. He always wanted to be someone's child, but he had no idea how to be a good big brother.

His siblings thought well enough of him, but Snuggles continued to let his nerves compound. Despite the reassurance from his family, Snuggles retreated to a treehouse that Pantomime and Pistachio built for him. He stayed in there for a few days, with his family bringing him his meals. And when he caught wind of the Squall King and Corona touching down on Staves Rest, he discovered a token with the inscription that looked like the new people arriving to the island. After a tearful night, he woke up with his arms changed to wings and his face turned to a triangle. Pistachio discovered him, and with the help of his family and Blueprint, his fear changed to an apprehensive hope.

Early adulthood

Now that he was a squall, he had the ability to safely practice magic, younger than most of his peers were able to. Though, that didn't mean he practiced with particular caution. He wanted to surprise his mother with magical skills. He practiced air magic in secret, now having a sense of connection with the elemental ability. And then he got ambitious. He practiced fire magic and nearly set himself on fire, alerting (and terrifying) Pistachio in time who healed him before he could do any damage to himself. She made him promise she would practice magic with him.

With the help of his mother supervising him, he practiced magic dutifully and even got extra practice in with the unusual staxie, Smeak.

To be depicted

He dreams to become a star. At first, he was afraid that his sudden transformation into a Squall indicated that the Depths had rejected Snuggles. So he decided to fully embrace magic in with the intent to metamorphose. Throwing himself to the Depths to see, once and for all, if they accepted him or not.


Player Staxies?
Snuggles is extremely shy but he is very interested in befriending those around his age. He is deeply emotional, artistic, and introspective. He doesn't thrive with loud and brash staxies and appreciates those who can slow down for him.
Relationship Canonicity
Snuggles has a planned romantic relationship and is not open for any other romantic relationships.
Egg Canonicity
Snuggles eggs will not be canon.

Pantomime Father

Pantomime was the one who adopted Snuggles and made the effort to get on his level and relate to his interests. He appreciates Pantomime greatly and tends to turn to him first when he needs help, even if Pantomime tends to ask Pistachio for help immediately after.

Pistachio Mother

Snuggles looks up to his mother greatly, and looks up to her magical ability and warmth. He tries not to bother her, as their younger siblings tend to crowd around her a lot, even though she always offers her time if he wants it.

Blueprint Best Friend

Blueprint is Snuggles' best friend! They still like to visit the Stumphouse to spend time with them.

Ata Sister

Ata doesn't speak much. But their energy is just enough to bring Snuggles out of their blues! Ata and Snuggles are close and he does his best to play with his siblings, especially when Ata asks.

Rata Sibling

Despite the fact that Rata doesn't speak at all, the stump is NOISY and a LOT. They're very enthusiastic. They don't share as much in common but he loves his sibling with his whole heart regardless.

Amoeba Sibling

Amoeba's a sweet kid and is always trying to reach Snuggles. Whether it looks up to him, or what, Snuggles does his best to humor his little sibling. He appreciates that the little myre takes interest in him.

Fusarium Sibling


Duck Duck Goose Brother he never knew

He knows how much his mother grieved over the lost egg, but he doesn't quite know how to feel about an egg that never hatched. He feels bad he can't be as empathetic.