


1 year, 8 months ago






age23 Moons



past names

  • Wolfheart
  • Wolfpaw
  • Wolfkit

Wolfheart is a quiet, mysterious cat of not many words- though he can come off as unsociable, he is quite friendly. Others warm up to him fast, but he doesn‘t warm up as quick to them, but once they‘re in his trust, his fierce silent loyalty kicks in. He's very analytical and wise for his age, having been humbled more than once as a kit and apprentice. Despite looking mostly fluff, he's an excellent warrior, at his best when working alongside another cat he knows well. He can be rather stubborn at times, or seem aloof and daydreamy but once he's focused heavily on something, he won't take his eyes of the task at hand.

Hesitation isn’t really in his nature, whatever causes him to hesitate often deals with his personal morals

Positive Traits

  • +Loyal
  • +Focused
  • +Loving

Negative Traits

  • -Stubborn
  • -Moody
  • -Holds Grudges


  • His favorite food is fresh salmon
  • He was very self-reliant early on, more out of choice
  • Wolfheart can be seen talking to himself(or is he?)

fur color
Grey patches/White base
fur length
Long haired, fluffy in places
Mackeral/Classic tabby marks
eye color
See reference
Two scars across bridge of nose
body type
Athletic, sturdy
2'6(18 inches)
Pink paws & nose
herb knowledge
faith in starclan


within clan
outside of clan


Bearjaw |

Bearjaw was a very doting, loving and proud father from another clan than Silentstep, much more bolder than his mother and outspoken. When Wolfheart hit his pawhood, his father was ecstatic and beyond proud of the kit, who quietly beamed and basked in the unabashed pride given. Bearjaw did humble his son many a time, especially when he got to brash or got ahead of himself dangerously. He taught his son all he knew(especially in fishing, as he was the better of the two parents at fishing) and he stayed true to his promise to protect his son and mate no matter, protecting them both as they moved from one clan as they joined into a safer, accepting one. He lost sight in one eye after the incident, and gained many scars that he boasts about. Wolfheart knows Bearjaw is around if he hears the loudest footsteps barreling at him. He might not show it but to be pounced on and tussled by his father doesn't annoy him one bit.

Silentstep |

Wolfhearts mother was a very quiet, softspoken but firm mother. She wasn't overbearing nor neglectful, she let him learn with patience and time. As he was the only kit she had, a meek litter of one from a harsh leafbare, she and Bearjaw absolutely doted on their son. Silentstep did try to distance herself as he got older, making sure he wouldn't be too reliant on either of them and she's proud of the cat he turned out to be. She did scold him multiple times for getting himself hurt or in danger, the only times she would raise her tone with him, but otherwise, she was always gentle around him. She was the only one to ever notice his odd behaviors, and always made sure he knew could trust her and his father. They're still close, even as his mother and father are much more busy with apprentices and planning for another litter. He doesn't mind sharing kill with them from time to time, but like his mother, he enjoys being alone.



No sibling to be spoken of.


No sibling to be spoken of.


No sibling to be spoken of.


name |

About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.



About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


name | relationship |

About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

name | relationship |

About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

Early Life

Kit life here

Wolfkit was born during a very rough leafbare, where prey was lacking, the winds were harsher than previous moons and his mother nearly lost her life during the term. He was a very strong little kit, taking after his mother in his light coloration and fairly lanky size. He was well pampered, especially by his father who was over the moon for both his kit and mate, even his mother joined in on doting on him. He grew up very loved, shown patience; his mother noticed her kit was just a bit stranger than others. Be it his quiet loner nature or his fascination staring off at absolutely nothing, they supported him no matter what.

Young Life

Apprentice/young warrior here

Wolfpaw was apprenticed in green-leaf and by the stars, was he nervous. His mother and father were right by him as he began his training, though he soon grew accustomed to the independent nature of apprenticeship. He had a rough start as an apprentice though, clumsy in his attempts of hunting or stalking prey, he was much better regarding patrolling for the longest time. But extra mentoring from his parents(primarily his father) and extra lessons with his mentor at the time and he was improving by the moons. Wolfpaw spent the next few moons honing his skills and soon, he

Adult Life

Older warrior/elder life here

Heatherpelt was given his name after many moons of hardwork in his current clan, the leader proud of his growth and improvements over the moons being with them. He was a seasoned warrior now, offered apprentices but he hasn't taken any just yet. He's frightened to apprentice someone's kit, afraid to fail them or cause the same pain he experienced in his kithood. He's much more friendly and even affectionate towards his clanmates, happier than when they took him in. He won't admit it aloud but he doesn't mind when kits or 'paws nestle into his fur to keep warm when the weather is chillier, or any cat really. Heatherpelt has accepted his life as his clanmates personal heater, and he wouldn't have it any other way.