Basic Info




Tsukimi, Tsuki,


No Gender (Male Pronouns)



Registry No.


Real Age


Apparent Age





19th February


Obtained through Rein's 48HR FREE MYO EVENT - Approved design.

Ears | Droopy | Uncommon
Horns | None | Common
Wings | None | Common
Tail | Full | Common
Twinkles | Stars | Common

His childhood was like most others; he learned to walk and levitate in his first year, and his Eliorean heritage allowed for him to communicate and understand language to some degree. In his third year, on a particularly chilly lunar cycle, he discovered the extent of his ability to fold space when, upon sneezing, he suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar place. Where his beloved garden had once been now stood large, pale structures. What plant life he could find was odd and grew sparsely around the area. His body felt heavy and his eyes squinted in the glare of light from the planet's nearest star. But most of all, he noticed that this place was loud.

Startled, he jumped behind the closest item large enough to hide him. Peeking around his shield, he saw them. Creatures that walked on two feet, just as he did, milling around and speaking to each other about items they seemed to be showing off. They were pale, and covered their bodies in odd decorations. Perhaps their fur was too fine to keep them warm? He also wondered what happened to their ears, and where they might be hiding their tails. As he pondered this, his eyes met with those of a smaller one of the creatures. He squeaked, his body turning translucent as the creature approached him, ever more curious of the little alien.

One hundred and seventy years ago, a lone egg was left in the garden on Luna, and from it hatched a curious little Eliore. Not many were around to witness the event, but that didn't deter the little one from becoming an outgoing and adventurous little creature. His childhood was like most; learning to walk, levitate, become translucent, and fold space in small doses as he spent his time playing in the lush forest in which he was born. 

Personality: Curious, excitable, gentle, 

Likes: Star and moon (especially crescent moon) shaped/themed jewellery/accessories/clothing, 


Miscellaneous: - His favourite song is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
- "Tsukimiyo" translates to "Behold the Moon" and "Tsukimi" translates to "moon viewing"
- Has exactly three stars in his hair!
- His ears perk up/forward when he's startled or scared

Languages: Japanese, Elvish, Kaehi