Sumire [Naruto]




神の手 | Hand of God

Name Sumire


Age 16-17 [Part i]
20-21 [Part ii]

gender Female

pronouns She/Her

height 5'0" [Part i]
5'2" [Part ii]

race Human

affiliation Akatsuki

HTML Pinky


Miracles are a hard thing to grasp if you're not a God.

The civilians of Sun Village think their miracle is many things – benevolent, industrious, gifted, and above all, nice.

Asahi Sumire is not nice.

One could be willing to entertain the case for polite, although Sumire is the kind of person who could get away with saying things that sound polite enough until you actually start thinking about what she'd just said. So, polite might be pushing it too, depending on her mood.

Nice, however, is definitely out of the question.


Food Dango
Drink Green Tea
Color Pale Gold
Animal Owl
Flower Violet
Season Summer
Weather Sunshine
Time Dawn
Gemstone Topaz
Tarot The Sun


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Dango Itachi bought her one on a mission once, and she's been addicted ever since.

Sunny days She loves sitting in a warm, quiet place and taking in the sunshine.

Akatsuki Family. She's dedicated her life to the organization ever since leaving her village behind.


Cloudy weather Blocks out the sun, leaving her gloomy and irritable.

Takoyaki Deidara dared her to eat a piece of raw octopus once. She can't stand the taste since.

Death Feels too much like failure, considering the nature of her kekkei genkai.



Sumire’s Solar Release kekkai genkai was identified at a young age, and she was given over to the Order of the Sun, a ruling order of monks who watched over a small civilian settlement on the borders of Fire Country.

Her abilities were trained in secret until her teenage years, whereupon the monks revealed her to the residents as a miracle healer who could bring one back from the brink of death – their Goddess and saviour.

Sumire may have had the abilities of a god, but certainly not the aptitude of one. She wasn’t built for benevolence. She grew up irritated by the Order’s short leash and the expectations placed on her. The more the people revered her, the more she grew to resent them.


The winter she turned sixteen, the snowstorm brought with it a most unexpected visitor.

The residents of Sun Village kept their distance from the strange shinobi, but he was lovely to Sumire: pale-faced, snake-eyed. Death-touched.

It was Orochimaru who was the first to entertain her opinions and ideas. The first to ask her if she’d ever thought of leaving. The first to reveal the truth to her.

Seeing as Sun Village was under Konoha’s umbrella of authority, the handful of shinobi in the village could be called in to active duty if the Hidden Leaf ever found itself short-staffed during wartime.

The Order of the Sun had been treating her as a bargaining chip ever since she was a child, a pawn in their political games, to leverage greater benefits from Konoha and as a threat to extort money and obedience from their own residents.


The winter she turned sixteen, Sumire brought the wrath of god down upon Sun Village.

There was no benefit to ruling over a pile of ashes, so Sumire left with Orochimaru, picking up whatever skills she could from him during their journey.

When he joined the Akatsuki, Sumire stayed right by his side as his student and subordinate. And when he defected from the Akatsuki, she took his place as a full-fledged member, and wore his ring.

Her legend, however, is made the day she defeats the jinchuuriki Han, and brings in Kokuo, the five-tails.

Stories of Pain’s miracle healer spread far and wide, and she came to be revered as “Kami no Te” – the Hand of God.





Uchiha Itachi

Soul Mate

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Uchiha Sasuke


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.