Zander Aris Campbell



6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


7th May


20 (24 later on in his story)






Biromantic Demisexual


Has a pet cockatiel named Slayer, Boyfriend (later on): Ras


Softie, smart, generally quiet at first, loud/energetic about his passions, cuddly, fusses over details, sometimes impatient, worries/stresses too much


NOTE: I've changed the tattoo designs in the avatar (this drawing was made back in 2015), but I haven't made a new full body reference of him yet

Zander is quiet guy studying for a postgraduate degree in Veterinary Medicine, with part-time work experience in his local animal rescue centre. I'm not sure how he fits into my story right now, but whenever I come up with ideas I'll edit this bit.

A few years later after completing his degree and securing a job he meets his future-boyfriend Rasputin (friend's OC), who tries to flirt with Zander by covering his friend's cat with glitter and bringing it to the vet's in order to get his attention (eventually Zander just asks him out on a date so the poor cat stops getting glitter'd). 

Here's some other bits of information I have about him, since I haven't formulated a proper story/plotline for him:

Has a cockatiel named Slayer (after finishing uni)


  • He was put up for adoption at a young age (mother left and father unable to afford care of them), but was happily fostered by a couple when he was 11 years old
  • Caribbean descent, born and raised in England
  • Has Vitiligo, partial hearing loss


  • Favourite colour is orange, prefers casual clothing, makes clay sculptures in spare time (if he has it)
  • Likes playing video games like LOZ, Pokemon, Dragon Age, Skyrim, etc., is part of a dnd group at his uni
  • Learning to play the ukelele, but is usually too busy to practice
  • Allergic to peanuts, loves stupid comedies, cries over cheesy movies, likes travelling, wants to be a better cook and stop living off fucking pot noodles
  • Does weightlifting at the gym every other day
  • Likes quiet, warm places and is sucker for animal charities
  • Loves birds particularly

Emotions and Health

  • Bright, polite, comes off as calm and welcoming, cuddly, but a bit of a clean freak
  • Loves talking about animals
  • Masks insecurities with awkward humour
  • Has generalised anxiety, most likely due to feeling different or unloved for being put in foster care, but also due to work/academic stress 
  • Sometimes impatient, sometimes possessive of his stuff, paranoid, afraid of heights and small spaces, problems with dizziness
  • Finds it hard to trust people initially due to his anxiety, often overexplains things when he's nervous


  • Wants to learn how to tattoo so he can have a tattoo parlour, or make money off of his clay sculpting, but he enjoys his current career pathway, it's just so stressful