Miguel Rav



1 year, 8 months ago


Miguel Rav

Name: Miguel Fernando Diego Ravallion Garcia-Alvarez III

From: Puebla, Mexico

Car: BMW M3 Evolution II

Miguel Fernando Diego Ravallion Garcia-Alvarez III, more commonly known as Miguel Rav or Big Beemer is a Blue fox hybrid from Mexico. Who never knew his father and was abandoned by her mother at the age of 4, and was adopted by the parents of The Masked Stray when he was 5. Thus, making Miguel Rav the stepbrother of The Masked Stray. Although he doesnt have that much memory of his childhood, he does know for a fact that he is a Garcia, and that his father was possibly named "Miguel Garcia Jr.". Despite his past, he did mention that he still wanted to meet his real parents when given the opportunity. But for now, he is staying with the family of The Masked Stray.

Miguel Rav's racing career would start a few years after The Masked Stray became known worldwide as a daredevil racer. And Rav learned how to drive the BMX at the age of 15 and drove his own car at the age of 21.

And in 2022, Rav and Stray would start the YouTube channel and FurPiks page under the name of "The Daredevil Boyos".

In this present time, Rav and Stray are currently travelling around Britain during their "Around The World Daredevil Tour" as they stumbled across The Horizon Music Festival where they were invited to the Horizon Roster, as well as the Showcase Representatives for November 2022's Horizon Friday.


Miguel Rav's BMW idle in its position, preparing for the big stunt.