


1 year, 7 months ago




Toy Poodle | 🎉 | She/They

Value $10
Designer milky_dog
Status NOT for sale/trade!
Artfight Attack Her!


*Name subject to change!*
Jessie is a small but sweet toy poodle pup. She has a soft and loveable puppy-like personality. She is very social, and makes friends quite easily! She loves entertaining others and making them laugh. However, she can be sensitive, and it is very easy to make her cry. Please be patient with her!! She has ADHD and gets distracted easily..  She has issues properly talking about how she feels, and due to this, she is unintentionally edgy sometimes. She is still learning!
Her favorite song is K.K Parade, and she listens to it often.
Her favorite holiday is Halloween!
She is a hugger, and she loves to be held!
She may be soft and cute, but dont let that fool you! This pup can be a bit mischievous at times, especially after dark! She gets a bit nippy!! She jokingly calls herself a "gremlin." She enjoys annoying her friends and family. She does it out of love!  She has a rubber chicken toy that she takes everywhere with her. Its part of her clown bit!
 She can be a bit childish and immature at times, but she cant help it! She's just a pup! This is part of what gives her comfort with her clown persona. She doesn't mind being called "pup," or "puppy," and even finds it endearing! She also likes to be called cute pet names like "dear," "hun," "babe," "darlin," and "baby."

Design Notes

- off white fur!
- pink hair, ears & tail!
- heart shaped nose!
- spiral pupils!


Pinks, reds, bright colors, mints, balloons, flowers, gummy worms, makeup, ICP, knives, candy, glitter, eyeliner, Halloween, traveling, junk food, 


green, rude people, tomatoes,

Html code by Coywolfy