


1 year, 7 months ago


Name Yun Yīn
Pronouns She/They
Age 129
Species Unixa
D.O.B. 10/9
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Ex-Queen/Retired
Voice Claim N/A
I've made some cookies, would you like some? ^^

She is, not surprisingly, extremely sweet. She loves making people happy with her baked goods. She always brings gifts when visiting people, she has tons of money to burn after all. Even when she isn't visiting someone and she's being visited instead, she makes baked goods for her guests. This makes her an amazing grandma, which she obviously is. She also raises cows, horses, and goats! Her grandchildren have a lot of fun playing with her animals when they come over.

  • Baking
  • Fluffy Cows
  • Roses
  • Burning her cookies
  • Animals being mistreated
  • Tight clothing


Yun had a pretty good childhood, her mother was a very strong woman and she often acted as a knight. She always led expeditions into the wilderness to get rid of any danger, this left Yun at home with her father and siblings a lot. She is a quadruplet and her father was basically a malewife so she got tons of love as a child. Her mother, even though she looked tough, was such a loving mother.

In her teenage years, she started dating an Everoskoir. She got a lot of glares from everyone. She would be queen one day, but that really didn't stop them from judging her. The fact that she was dating an Everoskoir enraged people, the fact that it was a girl enraged them even more.

When her mother decided to retire, she was 32. At the time, she was still dating the Everoskoir, but they quickly broke up since she didn't want to be in the spotlight. She was alone on her coronation night. She couldn't find anyone who didn't already think she was weird, so she decided to have an arranged marriage. Luckily, the guy she married was nice enough.


Yun ended up only having 1 kid, she could've had more, but her husband ended up dying. After she turned 67, she decided to retire and let her daughter become queen. Li Wei was just like her mother. Their way of ruling was the same, their personality was the same, and their strength was the same, the only difference was their appearance. Yun loved her daughter a lot, and she was delighted after she had kids. Oh how she loved her grandkids, every time Li Wei went out to an expedition, Yun took her role as a grandma seriously and looked after her grandkids.

She was devastated once her daughter and 2 of her grandkids died. Li Hua was bearly 20 when she had to be crowned. Yun was a great help to her and was an even bigger help when she started having kids. When they adopted Aurelius, she wanted so bad to take him. He looked so much like her first love, it hurt her a lot. She decided to move, she was completely unaware of any events going on in Moekalux. She adopted a young Everoskoir, she began dating Cosima and was generally very happy. When she found out that her granddaughter was dead and her great-grandson was being crowned she was devastated, especially when she witnessed Niccolo's death.

She adopted another Everoskoir a few years later and began raising animals to get rid of the pain of losing so much of her family. She is now engaged to Cosima and she is much happier.


Design Notes
  • Her hair is slightly curly and pretty fluffy.
  • She is chubby.
  • Her hooves and tail are cloud like.
  • The dots are supposed to be like stars, but they don.
  • She is engaged to Cosima.
  • She used to co-own a bakery with Williams grandma.
  • She lives in Maoule.
  • Cosima made her dress.
code by jiko