


6 years, 3 months ago



NameSan LeucalGENDERUnsure (intersex)
Age11 yoPRONOUNShe - they
HEIGHT4"6 - 143cmORIENT.Too young
SPECIEMutipleAlignmentTrue Neutral 



  • Fuzzy drinks
  • Shiny and sparkly things
  • Bubbly soaps
  • Comforters 
  • Reading


  • Being cold
  • Restrictive clothes
  • Sweat smell
  • Eating 


????-?      "???"

Lorem ipsum sit amet.



▸ theft   ▸ fusion  ▸ transmission

San can manipulate powers. More especially, stealing them and deprive the original holder of their ability. But depending on his state, San can only absorb a certain percentage, and retaining it is difficult, it will begin to go back, like a gauge, after a short time. San can also steal from several persons at a time, until his "gauge" is full orhe can't physically take more. In case this happens, the different powers will fuse, mix, and create a totally new result. It can be extremely dangerous for him or others. To top it off, San can bestow temporarily the power he has stolen to someone else, but it will go back even quicker to the original holder.


· Often hides in small spaces and blankets for comfort.
· Tobacco scent comforts him as well.
· Has troubles eating, gags frequently.
· Loves animals, and animals love him.
       · Attracts them somehow.
· Has troubles reading since he only went shortly to school, despite his love for stories.
· San's reaally flexible !
· Heavily traumatised due to his past. He has PTSD and General Anxiety.
· Anxiety attacks can be triggered by :
       · Strong floral perfumes
       · Glass breaking sound
      · Mention of him "getting a correction"


TW: Abuse, Alchoolism mentions.His family background is bad. He had to endure his mother, who abused him physically and mentally. Neglect or violence was almost daily.
His father never really saw anything, since he had alcoohol problems, but tried his best despite that to make lil' San be happy and have good times. Father and child didn't often get outside, but they went to the zoo sometimes, wich wasn't really far from home. 

It was when he had quite an horrible acident, stealing from twins who had powers, that his was discovered. He injured several classmates and his professor trying to run away from the school. His power was judged higly dangerous and he was sent to a specialized center, the CTPT. They're the ones who signaled to the social services about the situation with San's mother. 
He was sadly heavily sedated there, to calm him and his power, since nothing could really be done to stop the theft of powers. Time flew by rapidly, and San shown some signs of progress, less and less stealing away, so it was deemed that someone so young had to be given a chance. So San was sent to Wheeler Institute.


See his application to the group.

All relationships are up-to-date there.

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