


1 year, 8 months ago


ID #:60

Sex: Mare

Age: 5

Breed: Mustang

Social Rank: Lone Mare

Phenotype: Silver Grullo Roan Tobiano

Genotype: EE/aa/DD/nZ/RR//nT

Personality: Softspoken and unsure of her path in life, very paranoid of attacks by stallions and can be distrusting. Once warmed up to other's this mare is a loyal companion and will do her best to fight tooth and nail for her family.

History: Initially raised by a herd outside of the range and transported at age 2 to the area. She had a hard time adjusting away from her family and was absorbed into a bachelor herd that roamed around Pine Mountain. Sometime by her 3rd year she was spirited off by one of the bachelors and she stayed in his herd until their small band was attacked by the Pine Mountain group in retaliation, she ran off in the skirmish and did her best to avoid any large groups, eventually settling into another herd of Mares and a lead stallion near Carson Lake. She remained in this herd until 5 years when she split off to make her way in the world.

Player: empiredog

Stat Distribution

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 3

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1

Experience: 5 (0 if age not factored)

Health: 8.4 +(6 x 40% = +2.4)


Observer - Hard to sneak up on, all steals and challenges require Dexterity checks of at least 15+

Stubborn - All  attempts at claiming NPCs or finishing events will add a stackable +2 points to each successive roll.


Snakes -  Receives an automatic -10% detriment to Strength, Wisdom, and Charisma to all rolls involving reptiles.

Softspoken - Receives a permanent -10% debuff to Charisma