


1 year, 8 months ago


  • Atom 
  • Descendant of the great King Bob-Omb and silent dreamer inside painted walls..., this is the illusive Atom O'Dimey- runaway regal and aspiring adventurer. No rubies or riches could ever sway this prince back to the throne, as all Atom truly wants out of life is the freedom of the great unknown!


  •  ☆Name☆  Atom O'Dimey 
  •  ☆Nickname☆  None 
  •  ☆Age☆  19-20 
  •  ☆Gender☆  Demiboy 
  •  ☆Pronouns☆  He/Him/They/Them 
  •  ☆Sexuality☆  Pansexual 
  •  ☆Species☆  Bob-Omb Folk 
  •  ☆Occupation☆  Aspiring Power-Up Mage 
  •  ☆Residence☆  Gunpowder Hamlet 
  •  ☆Religion☆  None 
"I'd hate to die..., there must be something these paintings aren't telling me...!" 


Born into the grasp of the ever cruel 'King Bob-Omb', Atom was tailored to become the perfect heir to the tyrant's throne. Concealed within the tallest towsers of Gunpowder Hamlet, Atom had been starved of the fruitful experiences within the world outside of their concreate prison. Once the young prince had become of age..., they made an elaborate escape, vanishing from their confinment- only to discover the once mighty reign of the Navy Bob-Ombs had come to a bitter end.

Atom had never lived through the rebellion of the Pink Bob-Ombs..., only hearing swift whispers of the one known as 'Commander Red-Stache'. Who exactly was this red-clad hero...? Sometimes Atom wished he could have known more. One thing Atom knows for sure is hes rather mortified of becoming anything like his father...- and prefers to keep miles away from the Bob-Omb Battlefield. Alas, he can't always find a means of avoiding his place of creation...- as he knows deep down the only way to repair the late king's damages is to restore the destruction in which he left behind.



  •  ☆MBTI☆  ISFJ 
  •  ☆Alignment☆  Chaotic Good 
  •  ☆Brain Dominance☆  Right 
  •  ☆Emotion☆  Astonished 
  •  ☆Outlook☆  Everyday is another adventure 
  •  ☆Belief☆  I'll never allow someone to rob me of any knowledge ever again! 
"This is the text of an ancient civilization...- w-we found it! We found it, Hakkon-! Come, help me unearth whats been forgotten!" 


Atom is an incredibly upbeat individual who loves to learn just about anything about everything! Despite their royal background, this Bob-Omb refuses to have anything to do with their father's legacy, indulging the fallen kingdom's subjects with questions about the state of the world before and after the war...- and what might lay beyond the Picasso Stream. Many find Atom to be one of the most approachable people you'll come across...- so just know that if you're bombarded with a million questions from a little explosive- try not to panic! Hes harmless! Just...- uh...- pinch his fuse anytime it may light...- it tnds to do that when hes over excited-!


Positive Traits

  • Always wanting to learn more
  • Refuses to feed into corruption
  • Open minded to all ideas
  • Tries to live life as happy as can be
  • Strong sense of justice
  • Practically a walking hug

Negative Traits

  • Restless
  • Very hyper
  • Very poor social skills
  • Unable to let go of a grudge
  • Is convinced he'll just end up like his father
  • Tends to idolize people without realizing


  • His sense of justice
  • Motor skills
  • Leadership
  • Obtaining information
  • An open heart
  • Protecting others


  • Too much pressure
  • His father's legacy
  • His curiosity
  • Fire
  • Being picked up
  • His lack of understanding
"Through the fields..., this way! I don't suppose we'll arrive until sundown!" 
  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Clumsy 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Learning new forms of magic
  • Painted sunsets
  • Oni's cooking
  • Music boxes
  • Silly antics
  • Playing games


  • War
  • The sound of explosions
  • The idea of death
  • Getting lost
  • Royal duties
  • Eels


  • Power-Up Magic
  • Cooking
  • Reading/book collecting
  • Exploration
  • Cartography
  • Writing letters


  • Speeches/Public speaking
  • Leadership
  • Outsmarting the enemy
  • Storytelling
  • Charades
  • Nurturing
"Ohhh..., you make me feel so warm in my chest...- eh, hehe..." 


  •  ☆Hair Color☆  Navy blue 
  •  ☆Eye Color☆  Pure White 
  •  ☆Skin Color☆  Paler 
  •  ☆Height☆  5'3 
  •  Skinny 

  •  Curvy 

  •  Frail 

  •  Groomed 

"EEK-! B-Be careful of that eel! I-Its got a taste for flesh! A-AH-HAH!" 


Atom's most prized clothing item is the large cloak they almost always are wearing! Typically in their culture, Bob-Omb Folk hide their arms, unless partaking in labor, to show respect and submission to their king- however, once their monarchy was thwarted, it became less and less common for said Bomb people to hide their arms! Atom, who was sheltered all his life from this means of life, wears his cloak as a form of comfort- almost reminiscent of a security blanket! Atom's favorite thing to do is stitch many fabric patterns into his top- his favorite being the white cloud pattern that their dear 'Oni' showed them to stitch! The goggles Atom's wears is also super important- as its a symbolism of them abandoning their own crown in favorite of adventure!

Link to Reference

Oni: Boyfriend

 I promised they'd never hurt you again...

After helping Oni escape the confinement known as 'The Unity Institute', Atom would eventually go on to promise them a life free of any danger where the two of them could happily escape their past. It was all accidental, in a sense, but faster than the two could stop themselves- they had fallen inlove. Enjoying their shaed grand escape, Atom and Oni live happily exploring as many frontiers across The Split Kingdoms as they possibly can...- a treat both could never imagine being able to have enjoyed in a million years. To them, its heaven.


Encore: Dear Friend

 The Fastest Ridge Racer!

One of the strange bikers who helped to rescue Atom and Oni from their endevors with City Hall and The Unity Institute- Atom's gratitude for the other is neverending. Though the two can't always visit, Encore and Atom still make great efforts to send letters back and fourth, or even at times, meet up to discuss changes and catch up on life! The best way to describe the two's relationship is one that picks up no matter how long apart each visit is! Its actually really sweet...!


Haakon: Parental Figure

 The one who raised me right

With King Bob-Omb's constant neglect over years of Atom's tower-top isolation, Haakon- the King's lead soldier, was the one to not only protect over the young prince..., but was also the one to raise him. Haakon lived a life filled with anger, stress, and the weight of the kingdom upon his shoulders...- however, he never allowed that to blind him of raising Atom to be bold, to love others, and to act selfless. Because of the Pink Bob-Omb, Atom would grow up to understand the King's wrongdoings, no longer blinded to the pretty little lies fed into his young ears. The two bombs still remain close.



Born into the grasp of the ever cruel 'King Bob-Omb', Atom was tailored to become the perfect heir to the tyrant's throne. Concealed within the tallest towsers of Gunpowder Hamlet, Atom had been starved of the fruitful experiences within the world outside of their concreate prison. Once the young prince had become of age..., they made an elaborate escape, vanishing from their confinment- only to discover the once mighty reign of the Navy Bob-Ombs had come to a bitter end.

Atom had never lived through the rebellion of the Pink Bob-Ombs..., only hearing swift whispers of the one known as 'Commander Red-Stache'. Who exactly was this red-clad hero...? Sometimes Atom wished he could have known more. One thing Atom knows for sure is hes rather mortified of becoming anything like his father...- and prefers to keep miles away from the Bob-Omb Battlefield. Alas, he can't always find a means of avoiding his place of creation...- as he knows deep down the only way to repair the late king's damages is to restore the destruction in which he left behind.

Present Day

As of now, Atom and their beloved 'Oni' have been on the run, exploring magical lands ranging from the frosty peaks of Cool Cool Mountain...- to the boiling rivers of Leathal Lava Land! The two can't ever seem to get enough of the adventure, living free on the road without a clear cut place to stay. To many, it seems like a like lived with little care...- but to Atom, the freedom has never been more refreshing!
