Bengi's Comments

Oh my god I LOVE THEM they are so CUTE

I would make them a part of an already existing characters lore, perhaps a secondary or tertiary form of my cursed mute character who wonders the forest in search of lost travelers. He rarely leaves the forest because it provides everything he needs. He tries to conceal himself in the form of a small crow or raven or sometimes even a person, but he cannot deny the existence of this form. No matter how hard he may try to fight it it will always take over and consume every ounce of humanity left in him until there is none left.

(i can also offer some art and customs for him if needed)

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Oh my goodness, this character would be absolutely PERFECT for The Darkened Forest..

You hear the leaves crunching behind you.. A light but purposeful sound. It’s trying to slip into your brain, making you notice it’s presence without making you worry.. So it can catch you when you let your guard down. Oh, how you’ll regret stepping into this forest.. The Darkened Forest.

(Also if you want, I can throw in some art offer of your choosing, I really want this character!) 

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bjorn, a failure, a monster. locked within the deepest recesses of the laboratory, away from the light, away from the people. Used as nothing more then a garbage disposal for the failed experiments the doctor felt compelled to dispose of. He grew bitter, slowly wearing down his chains once the doctor went home for the day, little by little over months, perhaps even years. the chains are growing far too thin, and tonight is the night of revenge.

Bjorn would become a secondary antagonist in the City of Beholden Dreams as a escaped experiment from the lab of Doctor Psy, hunting down creatures who stray too far from the lightened streets

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aaaa tysm! I know that i have a lot of characters, but i am a semi professional; (not for profit) fiction writer! I just know bear will tie everything together! 

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Love this guy omg

I can do a headshot or two for em :]