


1 year, 7 months ago


full name: serein raine poppet

he / they / rain

though he looks quite human , they're actually made of porcelain !

part of a supernatural radio talk show with jalopy and dandie !! dandie is also the one who repaints rain when his paint fades or chips too much !  serein enjoys playing the piano and is very talented at it— the other radio show members suspect this may be what the doll was built for— and their favourite song to play is the entertainer

personality: childish and flippant at times ( similar to the collector from toh )  BUT rain is very good at pretending to be polite ... he is able to act like a very well mannered little fella , an absolute angel even , when rain wants to

design note: can be drawn with a more dull or more colourful pallette as long as the base colours are the same !!