【 ✦ kija ✦ 】



1 year, 8 months ago



october 17. 2022


✦ POS ✦ 【 ✦ alert ✦ dignified ✦ incisive ✦ loyal ✦ realistic ✦ 】

✦ NEU ✦ 【 ✦ confidential ✦ formal ✦ impersonal ✦ objective ✦ quiet ✦ 】

✦ NEG ✦ 【 ✦ assertive ✦ conceited ✦ impulsive ✦ narcissistic ✦ possessive ✦ 】

" ✦ let's get things done quickly ✦ "

Kija has always been raised to be attentative and alert. He takes special care to know how others behave, much like how he's aware of his own behavior. He makes sure his outward appearance is always carrying an air of dignity and formality. Along with his social skills, Kija is incredibly good at making incisive decisions, a quality his parents seem to be prideful of. Having followed his parent's wishes, Kija has developed a sense of loyalty towards them, albiet a little spiteful he is realistic and is aware they have his best interest.

With the way his parents grounded a studious schedule into him, Kija tended to hide many secrets from his parents. His confidentiality and quietness has led to him gaining little friends. While incredibly lonely, Kija knows friends would be a huge distraction to his career. Because of this, he views the relationships with his peers on a surface level. This allows him to make his career related decisions objectively.

With very little personal social skills, Kija may come off as a conceited and narcissistic ass. Which may be very true in all senses of those words, however, Kija focuses on being assertive and sure with his words to be more convincing. Kija sometimes makes impulsive decisions, like when deciding to take Violetta in. Though, these are very rare and far inbetween.

Kija is very posessive of Violetta. Do not touch her.

✦ TL,DR ✦

Kija is a little mommy and daddy's boy. He's good with his words but sometimes comes off a bit strongly. He has the patience enough to be polite and dignified with others in a formal setting. He's very quiet and confidential about personal matters. He would rather not take relationships past surface level since he likes to look at the world in a business front and objective way. One of the many reasons why he comes off the way he is.



brief mentions of harsh punishments ✦ brief mentions of depression


Han Kija was born to influential figureheads of business. Needless to say they had a certain expectation for him. They were particularly keen on raising him up to take over their company. If Kija didn't meet their harsh expectations, they would punish him. He would not be allowed to meet friends after these punishments took place. This instilled a sense of duty within Kija and he straightened up his acedemic career. Rather, he would spend less time with friends and more time studying to get the A+s.


Kija never had his rebillous phase. That was beaten out of him at an early age. Instead, he strived to excell in all the tasks given to him. It didn't bother him, he told himself, as long as his parents were satisfied. He kept telling himself that through his school years, but there was a sense of emptiness. Every day felt mundane and unexilerating. A life filled with a purpose already set out for him. Kija traveled to China and Italy to further his business career, and when his parents deemed him ready, they sent him to Canada to run a branch of their chain. There, he stayed and acted as his parent's puppet. When he rescued Violetta, that was the only other chance he could break away from his mundane life.


With Violetta's arrival, Kija felt like his life would be turning around. Exciting new things were bound to happen. Kija took a few days off for vacation and set out to travel down to the United States. That was his plan. ✦ REDWATERS ✦ had other plans.

✦ TL,DR ✦

  • Kija was raised in a strict household.
  • Expected to take over the company at an early age.
  • He was punished if he went out of line so he quickly snapped into place and began to study hard.
  • Kija fell into a monotonous day to day life again until he found Violetta on the streets of Toronto.
  • Finding Violetta brought a bit of joy to his life.
  • When he decided to travel for fun, REDWATERS had other plans


  • Tidiness
  • Control
  • When things go his way
  • Studying
  • Books
  • Tea
  • Autumn ✦ Winter
  • His kitty Violetta Han
  • House plants


  • Disorganization
  • Out of control situations
  • Things not going his way
  • Pudding
  • Crowds
  • Getting sick
  • Small talk
  • Obnoxious people
  • Germs


  • Kija is polyglot. Knows South Korean, English, Chinese, and Italian. Before moving to Canada, Kija lived in China and even before that, in Italy, to further his business career.
  • Found Violetta as a kitten on the street and decided to adopt her instinctively. He couldn't leave her alone in the cold Toronto winter.
  • He has never been in a relationship, however he does like fantasizing about fairytales he's read and watched.
  • Can't handle alcohol too well. He is alcohol intolerant and will immediately get sick. He doesn't drink while with others and opts for a glass of water instead.
  • Kija is left handed! He can use his right hand, since he practiced with it as well, but predominantly uses his left hand.
  • Wears gloves most of the time when he's outside. They don't get cold but he likes the aesthetic.
  • He loves to design jewelry but he would rather leave it up to actual professionals to come up with marketable designs.


✦ HAIR COLOR ✦ dark brown ✦ black

✦ EYE COLOR ✦ sapphire blue

✦ BODY TYPE ✦ inverted triangle


  • Kija is tall with a sturdy build. He has a light complexion.
  • Always wears business casual on his off days, must always look presentable. You won't catch him wearing sweats.
  • Well kept and organized, not a hair out of place.

It was a quiet, rainy afternoon. A afternoon Kija knew he would want to enjoy curled up with Violetta and reading a good book while listening to classicals. Instead, he was sat at the head of a long table with his parents at his side. It was a closing deal between some excutive over another. Kija had tuned the noise out, it wasn't important. No. He shouldn't think like that. He forced himself to tune back in. He scanned the faces of the people sitting at the table. They looked pleasant. That was good. The meeting was going well. As expected from his parents, Kija applauded them in his head and let his mind wander yet again. The rest of the day would be spent like this.


  • Loads of character arcs
  • Relationships 【 ✦ romantic ✦ familial ✦ platonic ✦ 】
  • Bully Kija ehe
  • Violetta ascending to goddesshood like a girl boss