Neislawa's Comments

Would you take $180 on a hold till Friday?

sorry for the delay!! I will send you a message

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yep <3

and tysm dear!!

Would you consider anyone besides Aria Leia Blythe Akira Mae Nala frappe Melanie Laelia lumi Mae and Enna I can also add as much art as you see fit 

hello dear! I'm only looking for money <3

Do you by any chance take art or trades? Or are you looking for money offers only?

Only money for now 💖

Aw, I see! ^^

Is $180 the minimum you'd take?


selling this girl!! need some founds for my bills <3

SB: 180

AB: 280

payment plans are negotiables

Piranha  Fiera chasseuri Chillysocks SierraOaks TheRatKing

Pls pls ping!

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i'd love to be agged to the pinglist, thank you a lot

Ping as well!

Ping please!!!!! I love her!

Ping please!