


1 year, 8 months ago


Stronger together

Linkz is no ordinary feline. He's a punk cat with a rebellious streak, but don't let that fool you—his ultimate goal in life is to bring people together.
Chain link fences and chains have always captivated Linkz's attention. He understands that each individual link is insignificant on its own—it's the collective strength of the chain that truly matters.
When it comes to differences like politics, color, species, or religion, Linkz couldn't care less. He doesn't discriminate against any good soul for petty reasons. After all, what's the point in dividing when we can all be united?
However, this punk cat has his limits and principles. He has one golden rule: never harm your fellow links. He knows that rusted and broken links weaken the chain. So, he believes in the power of strength through unity—because together, we are unstoppable.
Once links are forged, Linkz expects his peers to collaborate and support each other, creating a strong and thriving community. Like a well-oiled machine, they work in harmony to overcome challenges.

Apart from his love for chain links, Linkz is equally fascinated by ants. In fact, he keeps a collection of ant farms and finds joy in observing these tiny creatures build their homes together. It's a reminder that teamwork and cooperation can accomplish great things.
Linkz's circle of friends is as diverse as they come. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and have different worldviews. But that doesn't stop them from locking arms together, forming an unbreakable chain of friendship.
Linkz thrives on connections. Without the company of others, he feels a sense of melancholy, like a single link adrift without any chains. So, if you want to make Linkz's day, send him some LINKS and be a part of his interconnected world.

Links 2,3,4