


8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Alias & Gang

Nero / The Roman Empire

Age & Birthday



Cis male (he/him)







Real Name

Florentino Iglesias

Face Claim

Vini Uehara, Julián Serrano



"What an artist dies in me!" - Nero

Nerō Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Fiddling while Rome burns is a dangerous pastime, but Emperor Nero made quite a sport of it. The Roman Empire's Nero is just as theatrical as all the accusations aimed towards the historical Nero.


Nero has red hair, very tan skin, and almond eyes. His hairstyle is actually an attempt to emulate Caligula's, but he cuts it himself, and it ends up much choppier and shorter than his. He has a square jaw and chin.

His manner of speaking is super emphatic, but isn't fake like Caligula's. It's very hard for Nero to be calm.


Nero has also been known to become absolutely obsessed with people. He's been unnaturally fixated on Caligula for a while in particular, as he is the only person who has ever been very kind to him. He constantly vies to get his attention. 

He also considers himself to be a relatively talented artist. He takes great pride in his musical ability. Nero just adores the concept of art and things for aesthetic value. It is incredibly easy to convince him to do anything if you say it's for artistic reasons. Regardless of his belief in his creative skills, Nero actually has a relatively low self-esteem due to events that happened to him growing up. While he is obsessed with people, he also usually believes that there is no way that they will like him back or care for him. He is usually content to just love them from the sidelines.


Nero's family originated from Cuba, but moved to the United States before he was born. Nero has always experienced a reasonable amount of mistreatment in his life. His family wasn't very caring, even borderling abusive at points. As a child, he started doing cruel things that made him feel "better"- at first, this started as ant hills and magnifying glasses, but Nero soon found a deep fascination with fire. School didn't prove to be any better for him. His only real escape that wasn't exceedingly destructive was a fascination with the arts. He picked up violin while he was really young, and while his family would've preferred him to be interested in charanga-style music, he displayed a deep interest in classical execution.

Even after joining the Roman Republic, Nero's life didn't improve much. Although the rest of the Romans were as violent as he was, they picked on him for a variety of reasons, and he was often very lonely and upset. The only thing that made Nero feel any better was when he started dating a fellow gangster named Sporus. While he did not obsess over him to the degree he does Caligula now, it was still a relationship in which he was putting way more in than he was getting out. Sporus didn't care for him much, and eventually cheated on him with Otho. So, more often than not, Nero was very unhappy. At some point, Caligula stood up for him while he was being bullied by other Romans. After that, they began a very strange friendship. Nero started feeling much better, hanging out with Caligula when he could. He became Caligula's right-hand man.

After Caligula was took control of the Romans, he was even happier.




he sucks


∨ He actually does know how to play the violin, and he loves to do it at the most inopportune times. He often fiddles when the Romans burn down buildings or are torturing people, but he will even do it when they're under attack, or when it could lead to horrible things happening to him.

∨ He has pyromania.

∨ Unsurprisingly, he's very into the things Nero supposedly did during his reign, like lighting people on fire and using them as lamps, and the idea that Nero was either a god or the antichrist.

∨ Nero developed a stutter at some point in his childhood. It wasn't overbearing, but he was often made fun of for it, and had a relatively bad effect on his emotional state. He made very little progress with it until he started hanging out with Caligula- since then, it's all but disappeared, and he only has trouble with stuttering when very hurt.