Ken’ya Kusakabe (Training Force (Child))


Basic Info

Name: Ken’ya Kusakabe

Age: 13-Years Old

Voice Claim:


Outfit design by Me!

Back on the training force when Ken’ya was 13, some kids his age (some months older) was bullying him for being not only autistic, but having some inherited power AND having better scores than them. They hated the fact that he was shiras son with advanced abilities

They are on the same group as Kenya and pick on him every day. Even making

"pranks" such as making him run late, dumping food on him or an embarrassing moment where they made him crap his pants. (Only Tatsumaki knows this part btw)

They were also responsible for Ken’ya's low self esteem and his scar.

He doesn't explain his bullies to anyone because he wanted to feel as strong as the others. In the last few months of the training force, he told Tatsumaki.