Levi Bolier



1 year, 7 months ago


Levi Bolier

Levi Bolier
Eye ColorFuscia
Hair ColorRose Gold Pink
Height6' 1"
185 cm
Romantic OrientationBiromantic
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual
HometownLumiose City
Place of BirthLumiose City
Date of BirthApril 21st, 1996
Zodiac SignTaurus
ClassGym Challenger
ID Number0923-4116-2802
Theme Color#F192C4
OccupationGym Leader in Training

"Oh, you thought I'd go easy on you? I may be a pretty face, but I'm not one of those beautiful idiots, you know."
―Levi Bolier to Trainer

Growing up in Kalos, Levi was exposed to fairy-type Pokemon long before the majority of the world was. He gravitated to the type, finding their ethereal beauty to be irresistable. From a young age, he had an intense fascination with them; his own mother reported that she felt he would bond immensely with any fairy-type, and it would lead him to greatness someday.

That being the case, Levi ultimately began to stack his team at the age of ten years old with fairy-type Pokemon once he was capable of becoming a full-fledged Pokemon trainer. He explored the region of Kalos, training his Pokemon and defeating gym leaders while also obtaining his Pokemon badges.

Even to this day, Levi takes pride in his team and treats them as though they were his children.


A tall and lanky man, Levi often dresses to the nines. He prefers to dress in whites, giving off a more angelic appearance so as to gain the trust of others more readily. He oftentimes wears a pair of false, feathers, white wings that strap onto his back to add to his fairy-type aesthetic. He prefers to appear as though he comes from royalty despite that  not being the case. He has an undercut, shaved sides, and often pulls his hair back in a bun against the crown of his head.

In addition to this, the man is near-sighted, and often had to wear glasses to see far away.


Introvert Extrovert

Cautious Daring

Pragmatic Idealistic

Collected Wild

Follower Leader

Levi's personality stats

Devious in nature, Levi is a man who knows how to play the field to obtain whatever he wants. He puts off a charm, a charisma, that allures people and draws them to him. Using this charm, he manipulates individuals into getting the outcomes he desires without setting off any alarm signals that there may be something amiss.

Although he seldom gets involved in relationships, Levi is capable of genuine affection and romance. He is of the kind that takes advantage of those weaker than him, though not in terms of romantic or sexual partners. He oftentimes treats these individuals as though they are of the same tier as himself -- equating them to royalty. This has been known to put people off, turning them away, as he deems not only them as flawless, but himself.

When it feels as though he may not get what he wants, or if somebody he deeply cares about is potentially going to leave, he begins to show a different side of himself. He becomes especially clingy, and begins to affect relationships unbeknownst to the partner. He has been known to scare others so that his lover(s) may remain by his side. Although he would not consider it to be as such, Levi has a penchant for emotional abuse in that regard, not wanting anybody else to have who he has.

Naturally, this is all something Levi does not acknowledge about himself. Due to seeing himself as flawless, he uses his charm to manipulate and convince others that he is in the right -- that his actions are justified, and that he is doing what he has to do out of love.




The playful one of the bunch, Whimsicott came second to Levi's party. He is known for its childlike nature, and tendency to pull harmless pranks on the other Pokémon as well as Levi. Initially a Cottonee, Levi was drawn to its soft appearance and buoyancy in the air. He turned out to be the stronger of his first two, and was his tank for a short period of time before encountering his third Pokémon. Whimsicott is a loving, affectionate Pokémon that enjoys spending time outside and eating alongside its trainer.



Flabébé was Levi's first Pokémon that he had ever caught in the wild. Immediately growing attached to said Pokémon, Levi and Flabébé bonded, ultimately evolving into a Floette he felt it was a powerful enough fledgling. Floette became his favorite Pokémon despite having others. He loved them equally, though he always had a special place in his heart for his first. Once he was wandering within the forest, Floette stumbled upon a Shiny Stone -- inexplicably evolving it into a Florges when Levi was at the age of fourteen. Ever since, the both of them have been partners in elegance and in crime. Florges is oftentimes haughty, and holds itself in high regard much like its trainer. The apple does not fall far from the tree.



Coming in third, Aromatisse was Levi's favorite for a short time. The Spritzee he had encountered reminded him of a plague mask: Something whimsical yet ominous. Once evolved, it became the epitome of beauty, elegance, and seduction. Although Levi was not one to nickname his Pokémon, this was the first that caused him to consider doing so. She is a very aloof, albeit alluring Pokémon, and oftentimes tries to play coy with others when she wants something.



Once having traveled to Alola for vacation, Levi encountered the beautiful and adorable Comfey (his fifth Pokémon). This sweetheart of a Pokémon is generally and genuinely giving. She prefers to share her flora, relaxing around her trainer's neck for reassurance both for him and herself when either or both are feeling uncertain or stressed out. Levi finds this one to be the little sister of the group -- the one the other Pokémon intend to protect if she is put in danger.



Obtaining his fourth Pokémon, Alcremie, was through different means. Levi had been communicating with a beautiful young woman from Galar online. She had never been to Kalos and so desperately wanted a Klefki as she found them to be completely adorable. Both Levi and this woman bonded over the concept of fairy-type Pokémon, lending Levi the opportunity to obtain a Milcery from this individual. Through an online trade, Levi was given a Milcery for a Klefki he had been raising for a short period of time. This Milcery immediately bonded with him, forming a big sister type stance in her overall Pokémon group. She is especially close to Aromatisse.


Mawile (Shiny)

Coming in sixth, Mawile is Levi's shining jewel. This is meant more literally than metaphorically. Mawile is a standoffish, almost cold Pokémon that only finds himself friendly towards Levi. He is incredibly jealous of the other Pokémon, and therefore does not bond with them all that well. He shows signs of envy whenever any other Pokémon from the group is given attention from Levi, and does whatever he can to obtain Levi's attention back onto himself. Some say that Mawile is the most similar to Levi himself.


Event 1

As a child, Levi struggled to gain and maintain friendships. He was a shy, timid child, though he soon grew out of his shell upon meeting his first fairy-type Pokémon. Once his mother effectively caught a Swirlix and kept it as the family pet, Levi became the popular kid whose parents let him keep a pet Pokémon. The Swirlix soon evolved into a Slurpuff, which would follow Levi to school in order to drop him off and pick him up. This was when Levi realized that he had the potential to be popular, he just had to fake it to make it and have what other people wanted.

Event 2

It wasn't until he was on his journey to becoming a Pokémon trainer proper that he began to realize that he could use his ever growing charm and natural finesse in order to have people fall for him. Girls his age would often fawn over him, boys seemingly wanting to befriend him. As he grew his party, Levi was more than capable of wooing and winning over just about anyone to get rare Pokémon, items, and occasionally relationships that he wanted. Although the other person had not initially been interested, it would feel as though the moment he gave them attention, they would be singing a different tune.


  • Levi's least favorite Pokemon is Muk.
  • Levi's dream Pokemon is Mew.
  • Florges oftentimes grows flowers to assist Comfey's health and growth.
  • Mawile is an aloof, albeit affectionate Pokemon. It only responds positively to Levi, and ignores just about everyone else.

Profile by Erandia
Pokemon OC Version by @MissMaryGrace