Avlynn Boyle


Basic Info

12-years old - Middle Child

4th-Born Heir and a Royal Princess

(And Fictional Romance Geek!)

Voice Claim: “Luci Christian”

Sexuality: Homosexual/Lesbian

🚫Character is a Minor. NO NSFW allowed.🚫

Full name: “Avlynn Audrey Boyle”

Pronouns: She/Her



AVLYNN BOYLE is a creative, nerdy, and outgoing young girl who knows just how to bring people together. She usually makes fun of Duran or even assists her father, Arthur, in caring for Silver. But mostly, she is geeking out over romantic situations.

Her favorite pastime is writing romance-based fan-fiction and listening to Waltz or Classical music. (Anything romantic!)

Avlynn may also be a bit reckless, but even understanding her role as a ruling princess, she's working on becoming a good role model. For those of Death City and for her younger siblings! 

*She also developed a crush on former firefighter, Maki Oze. And is determined to make sure Maki and her would live happily ever after!


Avlynn is a 12 year old with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She also has long wavy hair with a ponytail on the left side. It is held by a magenta rubberband. She wears a pair of squareish black glasses, daily.

She also wears a white short sleeved puffy shirt, under a knit vest. She wears a pink bow tie on her blouse. Her skirt is brown plaid argyle print. She also dons long white stockings and ice blue sneakers!!