Simonne Lagarde



1 year, 7 months ago


a poor explorer who is good at finding things but not at knowing their value

Name Simonne Lagarde
Birthdate February 8
Pronouns She/her
Species Meeran

Simonne originated from Edan, being born in one of the small villages in Essandre. Her family was so poor that sometimes young Simonne could stay in a teeny local school for a night because teachers could give her something for dinner and she wouldn't have to worry about her parents having no meal for themselves.

Simonne gathered things since she was a little child. She was collecting anything valuable she could find, be it flowers or lost possessions, and then selling it near the broken fountain in the village center. Of course, Simonne wouldn't be able to sit here patiently for a long time, so would stroll around the village while one of her parents would have looked after her little shop. And by her return, someone would already buy something from her goods, which means she would have some money for her family. Simonne had no doubt that was the reason they had more money. And not because her mother no longer wore those pretty family earrings and her father told her about his lovely embroidered coat's loss.

Unfortunately, Simonne never had a chance to hear the truth. At least not from her parents, who passed away when she was ten. Simonne stayed at school for a few years and left the village when turning fourteen. She ended up in Dvar, roaming the ruins, searching for things to sell, and dreaming about wealth, which she was too far away from with her poor pricing skills.

  • After her parents' death, Simonne instantly knew she would visit Dvar. Her parents told her a lot about it since it was their species' long-abandoned home.
  • Simonne spent most of her savings on buying some trendy clothes because her ex-wardrobe was making her look like a beggar.
  • Simonne is a pescatarian — at first, she declined meat because it was expensive, but then she got used to having her diet that way.
the edanverse is a world created by @eqqbyte.