


6 years, 3 months ago


Character Theme(s):…

Species: Robot/Artificial intelligence  

Pronouns: He/It/They

Height: 6'6

250 lbs


>Delta  was made by a company selling combat bots to the military and private  companies, and was one of their earlier models. Delta and it's now  discontinued line of robots were made for hand-to-hand combat, military  counterintelligence, and, as an early bot, a prototype for future  models, was made to be particularly nimble, acrobatic, and smart. This  intelligence however enabled too much decision making on Delta's behalf,  and when other makes of his model began to rebel and resist, and get  deactivated and destroyed because of it, Delta made a break for it and  escaped to save himself. He is the only remaining make of his model, and  is currently in hiding trying to live among humans.

>Around people, Delta feels self-conscious and wears clothes like a human would.

>He  appears to have no " eyes ", but can see perfectly fine through a  series of many tiny sensors and cameras hidden in his faceplates.

>Could smash your skull in like an egg if he headbutted you

>Super lazy, tries to be gentle, eager to help.

>Cant  speak, of course, but can type, write, distort radio signals to  broadcast his own words/thoughts, and play some damn good charades to  communicate.

>Runs on rechargeable batteries. Always plugged  in when resting, can be seen carrying around power sources to charge  himself with on the go. Gets visibly fatigued and very, very hot when  running low on battery, basically dead weight if he runs out completely.