Bian Suyin



6 years, 4 months ago


"Tolerance is proactive, but Kindness is a virtue. I will never forget those less fortunate whom I once broke bread with."

Humble, dedicated, and wise beyond her years, Lady Bian Suyin was a concubine to and the eventual wife of the Warlord Cao Cao. Suyin was known for her kindness and her patience with all those around her, treating all she met in a kindly manner. Having been born to poverty, Suyin is very aware of the plights of the common people, and isn't opposed to granting them her favor more often than not. It is also this poverty, accompanied by her being a "favored dishonourable woman," (Having been a prostitute while young in order to feed her family) due to her relationship with Cao Cao, Suyin has learned how to deal with much of the frustration and backlash she has experienced. In fact, many minds changed within the first few years of becoming a Concubine, her Conduct and Charisma proving to be very powerful.

Suyin was loved by her husbnad and adored by her children, their families, and the rest of Cao Cao's brood, and was well respected during her time with the Warlord. While Suyin was generally the quiet, hands off sort, often leaving others to take command when Cao Cao was away, she was more than capable of taking charge when needed, and when she did, her word was law. She would not hesitate to take command in her husband's stead when she felt her intervention was necessary.  Her ability to command respect not only in her husbands name but also in her own made her a fantastic leader and adviser for her time. She rose from Prostitute to Empress, but never once lost who she was.

Weapon: Ji

  • Having been from such a poor family, but remaining kind and intelligent all the same, Suyin was originally taken in by Cao Cao as he believed she deserved a better life. Soon, things evolved from that, Suyin soon becoming favored above others.
  • Suyin was also a skilled songstress
  • While Cao Cao Held deep respects for his first wife, her having raised his children, not not just the ones that were hers, his affections and feelings ended up lying with Bian.
  • Lady Bian was responsible for holding everything together when it was assumed Cao Cao was dead, and many of his staff wished to flee. she said: “We do not know for certain that Cao Cao is dead. How could you face him if you left and he returned tomorrow? And even if calamity should befall us, would it not be better to die together?”
  • When Cao Pi was appointed as Cao Cao’s heir, Lady Bian’s entourage rushed to congratulate her and encourage her to give them presents (as was the custom of the time). Her response: “Cao Cao made Cao Pi heir because he is the eldest sun. I am just fortunate that this shelters me from the accusation of not having educated him properly. Why should I shower you with gifts?”
    Cao Cao liked what he heard and said, “She does not waste her energy in anger and does not lose her propriety in happiness. This is a rare virtue!” In 219, Cao Cao gave her the title of Queen.
  • Despite not initially liking Bian, Lady ding was moved by Bian’s compassion, Lady Ding became one of her closest friends.
  • After Cao Cao built that mansion for Bian Bing, Lady Bian invited her relatives over for a meal. It was a very simple meal, consisting of vegetables and millet. There wasn’t any fish, meat, or anything else fancy. Her family started to complain, but she said to them that she had served this sort of meal to Cao Cao for over forty years.
  • Despite being the compassionate woman she was, Bian would becoming commanding when she felt it was necessary, and would not hesitate to remind others of their place when she had too.
  • Suyin was not one to tolerate bullshit from anyone, not even her own son. After he became emperor, Suyin was careful to make sure Cao Pi knew his place, recalling that, while he may be emperor, she was his mother.
  • Suyin shares a special relationship with her daughter-in-law, Lady Zhen, and considered her one of her closest friends. In example, during one of Cao Cao's campaigns, Lady Bian became ill,so she had to remain at Mengjin to rest. Lady Zhen was so distraught over the possibility of her step-mother perishing from her illness, she wept day and night, and was inconsolable until she recieved news from Suyin herself. She and Lady Zhen wept when they were reunited, and Lady Bian comforted her daughter-in-law over her distress. 
  • Lady Zhen even held Suyin in a high enough regard to protect her children during military campaigns, remarking that with Lady Bian watching over her son and daughter, she had nothing to fear.

“Tolerance is only afforded to us when doubt lingers and then stays only so long as fractured peace holds. Clear your mind and remember that kindness spreads even further and remains longer.”

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