✦ Goldie's Comments

If their ufo I would trade anyone from my th not in the possessed folder

if theyre open may i ab in da?

Yep! Just sent the points here and I'll transfer the duck!


sent !

Did anybody catch ur eye? I might make them a howltar 

Anyone Offlimits before I take a look? Also what ya mean might make them a Howltar? :o

Make their design a howl! Fursona mains, howltars, and some liowlrts are off lims!

Ah- I don't think I can do that, I already stated in my TOS that I don't allow my designs to have/to be turned into a Closed Species form, sorry! ^^"

Oh I'm sorry! I'll just keep the design the same

Unfortunately, nothing catch my eye on these Characters that I can connect through, sorry! But ty for the offer ^^

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Nothing catch my eye that I can able to connect through, sorry!

anyone on my th except for sea anchor and stary?

ill add 2 headshots ,1 half , and 1 full body

I could do the $5? :0

someone in my ufo/uft folder? they’re really cuteee! <3

Nothing catch my eye on them, sorry! :(

Any1 in my th? ;w;

Any Offlimits before I take a look?

Sorry for the late reply! Theres none but I would be super tent in the mains folder!! <3

Back, i can do 1 full and a halfbody/ headshot?