Popup Code's Comments

Where there be a way to make the popup on text instead of button? It can get quite cluttered when listing names who need context to!

Silly question if not, but is it possible to change the color of the box? Blue clashes w/ my theme.

Add style="background: #000000;" to the button's code (change the hex code to your desired color), you can also add border-color: #000000; to change the outline color too.  The blue is from the site theme color and changes based on user settings.

Awesome! Thank you :)

Is it possible to have it open when the page opens? So they have to click out of it?

Yes, you'd change div class="collapse" to div class="collapse show", and also remove collapsed from the button if just that doesn't work.


hi! could you provide the code with the question marks please?

The first line of the code is the button, this is for the button:

<p>Whatever text you want here, the ? button will appear after it.<a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary p-0 collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popup">&nbsp;?&nbsp;</a></p>

thanks! but now i have another small problem ^^; idk how to send pictures on this site but yk how when u open the popup the text after it automatically goes to another line as if there were a < p> command making it do that? how do i fix that?

sounds like the same issue for me.. when opening the pop-up the texts below moves down, when closing the pop-up the texts below goes back to it's original place

Yes that's exactly what I mean!! 😭

Hi! I'm very new to Html but I wanted to ask:
If i wanted multiple buttons on one line (but words still between) how would you do that?

For example:

This line of text is for an example [button] However you could keep reading here [button] for more silly words.

The first line of code is the button, the rest is the popup.

<p> is a paragraph so you would want all the buttons to be inside of a <p></p> to be on the same line.  The <p style="text-align: center;"></p> part is just creating a line for the button to be centered on.  The <a class="btn...</a> is just the button and you would add it between text where you want a button.  The text after the # in href="#popup" is the id will need to be different for each button+popup (the id won't be visible and can be sensitive to certain characters like numbers so it's safest to name it plain text with no spaces or numbers, ex: exampleone, moreinfo, whatever.  In this code it was popup).

This appears on top of the page, it's not really sensitive to where you place it in the code so you can put all the popups at the end of the code to keep them out of the way.  The id of the popup should match the button that opens it, it's on that first line of the popup <div class="collapse" id="popup">

Example of just the buttons, no popup code added so nonfunctional:

<p>This line of text is for an example <a class="btn btn-primary collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popupone">button<br></a> However you could keep reading here <a class="btn btn-primary collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popuptwo">button</a> for more silly words.</p>

This line of text is for an example However you could keep reading here for more silly words.

The Bootstrap doc has more info on stylizing buttons, or you may want to switch them to a link that opens a popup by putting a # with the popup id instead of a website link.

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Hi! Could you try putting the top line of the code:

"<p style="text-align: center;"><a class="btn btn-primary collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popup">Popup button<br></a></p>"

Right after where it says "Content" and before the </li>.

After that, delete the <p style="text-align: center;"> and the </p> on the ends of the same line. The button should then appear on the same line as the rest of the content. Let me know if it works!

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No problem, I’m glad it worked!

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Does the text in your a href="#   " that opens the popup match the text in the id="   " of the popup?

love this but when i try to put it in my code it makes the spacing all fucky - do you have any idea whats going on here? :') im a huge beginner sorry aaa 


You should be able to add a negative margin to reduce the space, something like margin-bottom: -10px; inside of a style="".

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If you're doing multiple popups, the ID should be different for each one (and the href on the corresponding button should match it).

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so clever!! thanks for sharing   

Hi! I'm having issues getting the button to be clickable. I'm having the same issue with a link I put on the profile as well. I did try to put z-index;2 into the code, but It's still not working. If you could help me out that would be amazing :D

Here is my code: https://pastebin.com/Sxtifghg

The code you are using is overlaying an image on top of the text boxes which would make buttons in them under the image unclickable.  They're using float classes on some images which can sometimes override z-index.

Z-index also goes in style="" instead of class="", which appears to be enough to fix it:


I put z-index in style=, but It doesn't seem to be making any changes at the moment.

Do you know how I could get the same visual effect while not having the image on top of the text, buttons, and links? I'm Frankenstein-ing some F2U templates and I'm newer to coding in general, so I end up doing stuff like this that accidentally bugs the code lol.

Here are the Codes/Templates I'm using: https://toyhou.se/10790673.computer-screen-02 https://toyhou.se/8715742.computer-screen-01 And just the header text and replaced the spinning loading symbol with a wheel https://toyhou.se/10837055.computer-screen-03

(I'm planning on putting all of those as link buttons at the very bottom of the code)

I'm not too sure.  You could convert it to a background to be displayed behind all the content, but then you would have to rework the images too if you want visual effects on them.  You might also be able to use the class card-transparent to make invisible boxes to put text/link/buttons into then use z-index to position those above the image instead of trying to fix clickable elements individually.

Here is the effect as a background.

Button Example

Ok, thank you :D

I'll try that out soon!

How do you change the size of the button? It's large instead of fitting nicely into my text

I used btn-sm and p-0


Where in the code do you put those?

Inside the class of the button

<a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary p-0 collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popup">&nbsp;?&nbsp;</a>

Hmm- It's still doing this rather than neatly fitting inside the way it should.


I'm not sure what's causing that.  What does your code look like?

3 Replies

ayy, just wondering how you coded it after the text, not too big on coding myself < / 3

<p>Text here <a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary p-0 collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#popup">popup button text</a> more text here</p>

Text here more text here

This is just the button part of the code, you have to grab the rest of the code for the popup part and should be able to paste that anywhere.

appreciate it!

Just FYI, on the default site theme, the button text for closing it isn't visible.

Thank you for letting me know, I fixed it!

ofc, thank you!

A code of public interest ! Definitly gonna use it :D