Jamie "Bait" Otero



1 year, 7 months ago


Jamie "Bait" Otero
23 ESTP 8w7
Rockstar/Monster hunter
VC-2000s Jack black/idk rise of the tmnt donnie

"Currently touring around the states with my brother n band, "Flight of the Valentines" and hunting down cryptids on the side... well okay nvm the cryptids are moreso coming after Eli- whatever yeah whatever same thing! Its lotsa fun even though we get beat around sometimes but ya win some ya lose some, right? We've came out fine for this long."

"What do you mean? Nothing needs to change. Nothing has changed."

It all started at the church summer camp in south Florida, of all places.

Charisma 70%
Intelligence 80%
Creativity 80%
Patience 55%


Ur friends weird older brother who shows u dumb magic tricks then starts going ham on the drumset

Brash, Confident, and Reckless, Bait likes to follow his own independent path in life. He always makes time for his friends and family. #familyman! Hes got a super can do attitude and likes exploring and learning about new things, often dragging his brother Elijah along to break into abandoned buildings with. It took him a long time to figure out what he wanted to really do in life, given that "catching bugs doesnt earn you money!" (Yes it could, MOM...) i dunno, he still hasnt got it down honestly but its fine, probably. Hes got good grades! And work experience!

Because of the fact his entire life has been centered on finding and documenting anomolous creatures, its garnered quite a lot of paranoia in him. Coupled with the fact he was picked on as a kid for being a huge nerd, hes not one to open up fully to people he hasnt known for long. Its not easy to trust people when youve seen how fake they can be. Both literally and emotionaly.


  • Cryptozoology
  • Dark coffee
  • Scrapbooking


  • Being alone
  • The dark
  • Not knowing [general]


  • Megamind
  • Edalyn Clawthorne
  • 2nd gen child to his chinese mom and mexican dad, they didnt really understand each other for a while but they made it work :) his parents are super sweet
  • Bounced in and out of relationships at the lowest point of his life after highschool instead of getting therapy.
  • Got the nickname "Bait" at summer camp half because he was targeted ruthlessly by mosquitos and because he WAS practically the bait for the monsters he and Elijah looked for.

Design Notes

  • He was made in like 10 minutes for motw after the original campaign got dropped bc nobody came lol.
  • His name was actually "B.A.I.T." first bc it was cool but then my dm asked if it stood for "big ass international trapper" [yes it does stand for that]
  • hes super me. more than half of his shit was just projection tbh and some parts werent even intentional. jesus christ even the trauma that was added for drama BY OTHER PEOPLE bye











Time of Day




[Unofficial] Adoptive brother

These guys are attached at the HIP. CHAINED TO GETHER. BEST BROTHERS FOREVER CEPT THAT ONE,.. TIME... anyway though hes not the biggest fan of how love constantly tries to "repay" him? For being there when they were kids, or in general, he appreciates him so much. He couldnt imagine himself being here without Elijah.


[Twin] Sister

He and Jess always bickered a lot as kids, both of them being huge smartasses. Nowadays they have more of a gentle air around each other when they hang out occasionally. Hes super protective of her, but you could see that he seemingly still keeps a bit of distance if you had a good eye.. its nothing, just.. growing older kind of stuff i guess. that doesnt really make sense.........

The Manager

.. Manager

He and the Man's got a fun history he doesnt really bring up. He trusts her judgement a lot and looks up to her at least! Shes a fair bit more secretive than he wishes but he understands. Hes the same.

M Fucker


He thinks M has something off about him but his bass is really good and theyve been really needing a bassist so whatever? He's seemingly high constantly .. where did he get all that weed..? shoulda spent that money getting clean clothes man or like... dry cleaning /worried