Roulette's Comments

Another guy I gotta give forehead kisses to, oml imma run out

HAHAH u can never truly run out…..

i could offer 4k points if you'd consider! no worries if not c:

I'll accept this offer if you're still interest? :o

YAY absolutely!! just lmk where to send the points :D

You can send it here in this profile! ^^

sent! apparently theres a max of 3500 points per donation so i had to do it in two transactions, hope that's okay c:

Ye, that's ok, I'll be transferring them to you, thank you for buying them! 💛

1 Replies

Big dreamie 

Can offer anyone from my ufo folder

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i can offer art! anything is available! here are my examples! ^w^ my commission carrd has a few examples this is still a work in progress! but it has more detailed ones

Someone from my th maybe?:0 Sonas off limits (tent with some in characters but feel free to look) Can also do two half's!!

Nothing catch my eye that I can connect/use to, sorry but ty for the offer!

Hihi :3

Saw u needed nitro and was wondering would u take nitro for this cutie,, 👉👈?

Nope, sorry! I'm only taking nitro from a specific design that I only said on their description ^^" unless I've updated this description;; /lh

Aweh that’s alrighty ^^

Tysm anyways ^^!!

(Raah I rlly want em but dunno what to offer ur designs are so pretty /pos)

Np! And thank you that you love my designs, it makes me happy and I really appreciate it ^^ but a few of my designs that left out are kinda abit tent since I'm really proud of it and took effort !! So I do really apologize that I decline your offers :[

Maybe next time you have a chance to offer them again :o I honestly looking for trades for these, specially for a design theme that fit on my story folder so uhh uh ya! (Sorry for rambling ^^")

It’s no problem at all ^^

Tysm <3

I really do lov ur work ehe, ur designs, ur art absolutely stunning<3

No worries btw :3 Idm ya rambling or anything ^^

If ya still lookin for offers for the cutie, ya are free to look through my th^^ I have no off limits but I am sadly most tent with mains/sonas, feel free to tho ^^

I appreciate any consideration ^^

If ya decline idm at all /gen

So noo need to feel bad :]

Tysm for ur time <33

I'd love to offer for this fella, I adore clown designs and he's so precious ;w; <3
Let me know if any characters / adopts on my sales account interest you, if not I'm always willing to do art!

I can do headshots (Anthro / Feral) or halfbodies (Feral only), I could also do a fullbody (Feral only) too but it will take me much longer!!
Here's a few examples of headshots and halfbodies;

would you accept $20 Via gift card

Hey I'd be down to do $15 usd plus a waist up commission if that interests you

would you be interested in anyone from this folder for this character? :

thanks for the opportunity ^^

I could possibly do a gif like this! The artstyle will be different though since that's old haha

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I can offer art and/or customs, examples here ^^

Id be willing to offer anyone from this link perhaps?

I would be willing to trade anyone from my th except for meowsic for this guy-

I'd be willing to offer some art or characters (I can show better examples of my art then what's on my th currently, and not all my characters on on yet) or I can make you a few customs and a gift!

Edit: My adopts are also up for trade :D

Does anyone in my toyhouse interest you??? I can also offer $10 as an addon if needed or multiple characters or art

I can offer anyone in my TH, except for Sonas, Mascots and Closed Species. You can choose more than one :]

hey!! if the offer doesn't go through, can I be notified? 


heya!! just checking on the status of this guy :))

Hi! Offer didn't exactly paid at the due date so the Character is back up open again

does anyone on my th interest u? if not I can offer something else :)

I have look at them but nothing catch my eye that I can connect through ><"

2 Replies
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Oh no uh, I can only hold it by 3-5 days or a week only sorry :(  , Thank you for the interest though!

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Yep, though I'll be putting this UFO again when that due ends! 

Just let me know so I can put this on Pending ^^

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can I be pinged? :oo

Dirus_Redpanda WinnieCub VibrantFang deepfriedtoasters 0RANGEJ0E

This is for the pinglist you asked for but They're now UFO

EDIT: Oops, I accidentally put it on a reply here, my bad but you can offer outside this thread!



Would love to get a ping if they go for ufo!!