Ravenglade's Comments

Hello! Seems one of my lovelies is linked to this character! I have two questions A. CanI keep these characters linked, and related
and B. I'm curious, do you have any plans for them/ already have ideas or info on them? if so would I be allowed to use that as a way to create ideas for what Huckleberry is like?

Hello there! ^^ Oh neat they are! I didn't realize.

Good question! I do have some ideas with them potentially being a major character in a new story I'm working on, but I'm not actually looking to collaborate or such on it, sorry. (Plus it's still in the fairly early concept stages, and I think I'd feel bad if I told you all about it, then ended up completely changing it kdjfjfj)

However! Maybe they could be connected in an AU? 

okee thats alr, super cool that your making a story!
I'll just leave em linked for now

also if you ever wanna talk anything about stories I'm all ears, even of it all gets scrapped lol, I LOVE story writing ^w^


I will keep that in mind 👀👀