|ref| The Huntsman (Cyrus)



1 year, 7 months ago



AGE: 25*
ORIGINS: -----


Cyrus, who prefers to be called by his self-proclaimed title, 'The Huntsman,' is a twenty-five-year-old transgender male.

*Assumes the likeness of a twenty-five-year-old individual. Prior to reaching the age of twenty-six, his memory of that specific year becomes entirely erased, subsequently reverting him to his twenty-five-year-old state. The actual chronological age remains undetermined.


Cyrus is a person-like being, standing 6 feet and 4 inches tall. We don't know what race he is or how old he is. He wears typical clothes that hunters wear, like a green jacket, a matching turtleneck, brown pants, tall brown boots, and gloves with no fingers in the same brown color. He also wears a collar and a hat that looks like a dark winter bomber hat.

The object on his face doesn't quite resemble a mask, yet it's not his true face either. While wearing the "mask," he can still sense things, but he recalls having a regular face when he was younger. "



Content warning: blood, flesh, canibalism, gore


: A strange man is discovered by a group of explorers in a remote area. He appears to be in his mid-twenties but has no memory of his past. Police reports that there is absolutely nothing on this man. The man tried to leave, but police stopped him. 49 dead. Discovery is noted. We will capture him and comit further studies on how he can be on use.


: Captured. Subject 54-H unique condition can prove to be use to us. We implanted a tracking device to monitor his vitals and keep him under surveillance.


: Subject 54-H continues to exhibit extraordinary instincts and lethal abilities. During controlled tests, the subject displayed heightened senses and a chilling ability to strike with deadly precision. Heart rates of observing personnel surged as the subject's mask transformed into a nightmarish slit mouth, capable of devouring flesh with disturbing ease. Initial results indicate an escalation in these abilities when provoked or rendered unconscious.

Note: a crucial limitation has surfaced – Subject 54-H recurrent memory lapse. After a year of study, our observations suggest a complete mental reset, reverting to a state of knowledge and experiences from a year prior. We theorize that this mechanism prevents the accumulation of new information and shields the subject from traumatic memories.


: Despite Subject 54-H's memory reset, a disconcerting pattern has emerged. The subject's body seems to retain memories at a cellular level, as evidenced by recurrent instances of déjà vu in response to specific stimuli. While the subject fails to articulate or recall past events, its heightened agitation and distrust of personnel point to a subconscious retention of traumatic encounters. Even after intentionally erasing his memory and his ability to reset it, his muscle memory remains remarkably noticeable. -Will:04

Note: Given the subject's sensitivities, Director COWEL must NOT supervise experiments. Specialized care is vital, a role Director COWEL can't fulfill. Expert individuals should ensure the subject's well-being and research quality. Due to Director COWEL's past cruelty to humanoids, he's BANNED from decisions or actions involving the subject. Directors SCARLET, FINSTER, and Mr. Costatine are acceptable alternatives to lead, ensuring safety and research integrity.


: Subject 54-H was placed under the supervision of compassionate researchers, Director FINSTER. The subject's kind and charming behavior unveiled a spirited personality, often reminiscing about childhood memories hinting at a late 1800s birth year when assigned female. Evidence suggests the subject identifies as a transgender male and experiences discomfort during physical exams.


: The subject's unique ability to unhinge their mask's mouth and consume substantial amounts of flesh was further documented. This unsettling trait was regarded as normal during their upbringing, with their mouth being described as a 'portal to grace'. The revelation that this act diverged from societal norms came as a shock to the subject. The subject is capable of consuming up to 58 pounds of flesh in a single instance.


: A transcript from Director FINSTER, who was very fond of Subject 54-H, and wanted me to include this transcript for this year's annual log:


DATE: [APRIL 17TH, 1950]




[Researcher's Note: The following conversation took place during an interaction with Subject 54-H, a unique individual originating from a cultist village. The purpose of this dialogue was to gather insights into the subject's background and experiences.]

Dr. Wyvern: Subject 54-H, my name is--

54-H: Doctor, please call me Cyrus.

Dr. Wyvern: Right, hello Cyrus. I'm Dr. Wyvern. I'll be conducting a personal interview today. Do you have any questions?

54-H: Personal how?

Dr. Wyvern: About your upbringing and identity.

54-H: nods with a hint of melancholy

Dr. Wyvern: You mentioned growing up in a village with both kind and murderous individuals. Could you elaborate on your early life in that environment?

54-H: Certainly. I was raised in a secluded village where the people held both benevolent and dark tendencies. We were kind to the animal life around us, often giving up our food to feed lost dogs and cats. But there was an evil within my village. Despite our kindness to animals, we were needlessly cruel towards humans and to each other. I didn't like that; I wished we were kinder to one another. I grew up identifying as female, yet I diverged from the social norms of my village, choosing to dress and act as a male. My flesh was deemed tainted for consumption, so they chose to sacrifice me instead. 54-H's voice becomes a mixture of nostalgia and sadness

Dr. Wyvern: I see. You mentioned a significant transformation occurring when you were sacrificed to your god. Could you describe what happened during that event, Cyrus?

54-H: Yes, I recall the ritual vividly. I was wrapped in living flesh. I heard our god, Carnophage, speak to me, though I don't remember the exact words. I was encased within a cocoon of flesh, growing hungrier with each passing moment. Upon emerging, I felt as if I had become someone else. I stood naked, a red mask adhered to my face. I also acquired new "manhood," if you catch my drift. laughs There's a mix of amusement and resignation in Cyrus's tone.

Dr. Wyvern: chuckles Indeed.

54-H: laughs Surprisingly, the family embraced my newfound identity. The mask became a part of me.

Dr. Wyvern: Fascinating. Another remarkable detail you've shared is your unique ability to consume significant amounts of flesh. Could you provide further insight into this trait?

54-H: Absolutely! My mouth can unhinge, enabling me to consume large amounts of flesh in a single bite. In fact, watch this. Subject 54-H demonstrates by unhinging his jaw and extending his arms towards his mouth.

Dr. Wyvern: visibly disgusted Goodness, that's quite... remarkable.

54-H: laughs Yeah, I understand. It can be quite shocking. The family, guided by our god Carnophage, believed that my consuming them was their way to redemption and grace. They allowed me to consume them. I could eat up to 58 pounds at once, which was my personal best. I ended up eating every family member, not sparing anyone. I'm glad they found peace; sometimes I wish I could join them.

Dr. Wyvern: Thank you for sharing these insights, Cyrus. Your experiences are truly exceptional.

[Researcher's Note: The conversation continued, delving deeper into Subject 54-H's emotions, perceptions, and ongoing observations. The subject's unique journey remains a subject of continued research and exploration.]

[End of Conversation Transcript]

This transcript shares important details about an unfamiliar cult and unveils disturbing truths about our world. It also hints at the complexity of Cyrus's emotions and experiences.


: In the current year, noticeable shifts have emerged in Subject 54-H's behavior. Compared to previous years, Cyrus appears to be more emotionally distant. During interactions, he consistently sidesteps discussions about his past in the cult, often employing humor to divert attention.

Despite our attempts to engage in meaningful conversations, Cyrus avoids delving into the specifics of his upbringing and experiences within the cult. Interestingly, it's apparent that even with his mental reset, some form of "memory" regarding the past year persists.

In a recent conversation, Cyrus shared a darkly comedic joke relating to his previous involvement in consuming human flesh. He quipped, "Hey Doc, ever wonder why we threw a 'meat and greet' event? It was the perfect way to break the ice... and maybe a few bones too!" Strangely, he seems to have momentarily forgotten the caution to not discuss his past, leading him to share additional memories about his history, many of which we've heard before.

Note: As we proceed, it's wise to plan for more interviews next year, but with care. Involving a empathetic therapist could help Cyrus navigate his intricate emotions and memories, enabling deeper exploration while ensuring his emotional well-being. I recommend Dr. Ulysses.


: Another transcript. We often don't get the chance to interview Cyrus. He doesn't seem too comfortable talking about his past, even with the mental reset. We decided to get him a therapist, Dr. Ulysses, here is their first transcript:






[Researcher's Note: The following transcript details an interview between Subject 54-H (Cyrus) and Dr. Ulysses, exploring Cyrus's experiences growing up in a cult with complex dynamics and his eventual acceptance within the cult.]

Dr. Ulysses: Good afternoon, Cyrus. I've heard you have a unique perspective on your upbringing. Could you tell me about your experiences growing up in "the family"? I understand you don't prefer to call it a cult.

54-H: firmly That's right, Doctor. We were a family, not a cult. It's important to recognize the difference.

Dr. Ulysses: Can you then share your experiences growing up in the community?

54-H: nodding Of course. Growing up was difficult. I never quite fit in with the girls in our family. While the women worked in the barn, preparing the flesh for consumption, and the men went hunting, I didn't feel like I belonged in the women's group. I often found myself drawn to both sides, though.

Dr. Ulysses: attentive Can you elaborate on that?

54-H: pausing, reflecting Yes. I often cut my hair short and tried to sneak over to the boys' side. I always got caught and was sent to sweeping the blood, the worst chore I was ever put on. Anyway, I learned from both groups - the anatomy of the human body from the women's side, as well as the psychological aspects from the men's. The separation of the genders was quite stark, but I didn't want to be limited by it.

Dr. Ulysses: I see. And then you mentioned being sacrificed by your god after you were deemed unworthy for consumption. Can you tell me more about that?

54-H: taking a deep breath It was a pivotal moment. I had struggled with my identity and I rebelled a lot because of my unaligned gender. When it was time for the evaluation when I turned 18, I was judged negatively because of that. But I knew I wouldn't do well in the evaluation, so I cut my own flesh; they considered me unworthy for consumption. I was sacrificed instead.

Dr. Ulysses: empathetic That must have been a traumatic experience.

54-H: nodding It was. But surprisingly, after that, they started worshiping me. I was finally accepted, though in an unconventional way.

Dr. Ulysses: And then the village faced challenges?

54-H: visibly distressed Yes, our village collapsed. Children died from a sickness, and the adults were visited by our god, Carnophage. He demanded that they all be consumed by me for redemption and grace. I vividly remember consuming my parents, and it was a mix of forgiveness and closure.

Dr. Ulysses: gentle Do you ever wish you could have helped them in a different way?

54-H: visibly upset No. That's not something I would ever consider. Each person's path is unique, and their choices are their own. I can't interfere with that.

Dr. Ulysses: sincere Understood, Cyrus. Is there anything you want to say about your feelings now?

54-H: hesitating There are times when I question if I did the right thing. Wonder if they truly found a better place. But I'd rather not dwell on that. I hope they're happy, wherever they are. [Researcher's Note: This interview provided deeper insight into Cyrus's complex feelings about his past experiences and his role within the community. His struggle with gender identity, acceptance, and the repercussions of his actions underscore the intricate web of emotions surrounding his life.]




: A significant breakthrough emerged as Subject 54-H demonstrated the ability to consume non-humanoid and mystical creatures.




























: control was reclaimed by a director FINSTER. Although efforts were made to restore a calmer environment, the subject's trust had been severely eroded, resulting in sustained aggressiveness and reduced cooperation. The repercussions of Director COWEL's tenure continue to resonate, shaping the subject's response to subsequent experiments.

Note: It is evident that 54-H's trajectory has been profoundly influenced by the introduction of Director Cowel. As we move forward, it is imperative that we navigate the delicate balance between harnessing the subject's remarkable abilities and addressing the psychological impact of past experiences. Again, director COWEL can NEVER take control over this subject's file again. We have rules for a reason people. -Will:04




evoke deep fear he transformation of the subject's mask into a giant, slit mouth capable of consuming flesh with ease Notably, the subject experiences a memory wipe and regression of one year, impeding its ability to retain new information or past traumas.


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known as the flesh king