


1 year, 6 months ago


sorry cal baby i'll format ur profile later...,,,

It's easy enough to assume that everyone falls into two categories: the haves, and the haves not. Both constantly live in envy of each other, longing for that of which the other would give anything to get rid of. To secure wealth and a bustling, successful career. To live humbly, but with a peaceful life that moves slowly. Materialistic objects and boundless fame. A small residence and a handful of trustworthy friends.

For many, life is an endless pursuit of chasing fleeting whims that lie just beyond their reach. They will never know true fulfillment.

...Caliste, however, is perfectly content with their objectively boring existence. She enjoys wrestling pigs. Smashing beer cans against her head. Taste testing her Ma's pie for the fifteenth time that month. Being a dangerous mercenary with honed skills that few others can boast of, hunting down high value targets to repossess their tech and sell it to the next highest paying bidder. The usual small, countryside activities - sure, it might get monotonous every now and then, but at least she knows what to expect.

Knowing where to draw the line between 'business' and 'personal' is very important to Caliste, of course. It'd be a damn shame if those pesky corpos came barking up the wrong tree at Ma's farm. She doesn't take pride in disassembling prostheses and augmentations from people's bodies, though she's certainly not about to pass up the opportunity if someone happens to step on an explosive mine out front. It wasn't set out specifically for them, though - that'd be booby trapping, and that's illegal. The mutant wildeboars are really starting to become a problem. Maybe that shiny new arm they found laying around could pay for some better traps?

And no - for the last time - Caliste doesn't know anything about that super secretive, super spooky rebellion group or the rumors going around, so you should probably stop asking her.