Alice (enstars)



7 months, 28 days ago


a secretary who works directly under the vice president of new dimension, tsumugi aoba. it's a job that pays poorly, though in exchange he's allowed to dorm directly on the ensemble square campus, free of charge. his job consists of a little bit of everything, from paperwork to fieldwork, and his position is a bit more... producer-like than he initially expected.

full name alicein estel valentine, he simply prefers to be called 'alice'. it's not like he's the decendant of some noble king or whatnot, and his parents are average, middle class folks. they just have an incredibly bizarre naming sense.

a member of the yumenosaki idol course in his first year of highschool and was briefly a member of chess. he got involved in a bad group and gave up on his dreams of becoming an idol.


leo tsukinaga; boyfriend. alice loves naturally friendly people best, and when it comes to leo it was practically love at first sight. his energy was initially overwhelming to alice, but it didn't take him long to become endeared by it. more than anything, he loves leo's sincerity and overflowing passion for both music and knights. being around leo is just fun, though when he isn't around alice does have a habit of worrying about him. he's a bit like tsukasa in that regard, carrying around extra pens and sheets of paper and even snacks just in case. leo is frequently coming to him for his opinion on new songs he writes, and sometimes he likes to sit in alice's office while he works to write music. though he more often attempts (and succeeds) at being a distraction for the other boy. not that alice could really bring himself to complain. they're incredibly physically affectionate with one another, with leo being the primary initiator. he loves to worm his way into alice's lap or drap himself across his shoulders, nuzzling into his neck.

tsukasa suou; boyfriend. initially alice was intimidated by tsukasa, with his position and way of speaking, but once he sat and really thought about tsukasa's princely image and mannerisms juxtapositioned with the boy in front of him pouting because leo took the last chocolate chip cookie alice realized he was kind of screwed. alice thinks it would be hard not to fall for tsukasa, with his chubby little cheeks and devotion to the things and people he loves. alice likes to bring tsukasa sweets when he knows he'll see him, and they text often. like leo, tsukasa also tends to be the primary initiator, though he's much shyer and prefers for more affectionate moments to be done in private. despite this alice finds that tsukasa is actually pretty clingy and easily made jealous, but it really just makes tsukasa cuter in his eyes. alice finds himself worrying about tsukasa in a similar way he worries about leo, and is often the one to nag tsukasa to bed or back to the dorms when he notices he's stayed in the office too late.

izumi sena;

ritsu sakuma;

arashi narukami;

tsumugi aoba; older brother figure.

natsume sakasaki; longtime friend.

sora harukawa; friend.

eichi tenshouin; tormentor.

tori himemiya; friend.

madara mikejima;

kouhaku oukawa;

more tba. me sleepy


alice likes sweets, but not nearly as much as tsukasa does. he ends up pushing the majority of his deserts onto tsukasa's side of the table when they go out together.

loves to be affectionate, but struggles at asking for it or initiating. especially at the start of their relationship.

his birthday is 05/22. he is one year older than tsukasa and one year younger than leo, making him 18 in the current canon timeline.

he has a lot of passion for the units he works for, and made it a habit of collecting merch and plushies. his favorite thing to do is take his nuis with him places and take pictures of them doing silly things, only to send it to the idol in question. the knights group chat is filled with alice sending pictures of his knights nuis hanging out and about.

he does work for all three newdi units, but that's something i;ll elaborate on some other day

this guy is crazy dense like leo tsukinaga levels dense. i;m sorry tsukasa suou for giving you two dense boyfriends