Chirp (Old code)



1 year, 5 months ago


PROFILE INVENTORY WARDROBE LORETTA "CHIRP" BROWN SUMMARY Loretta is a charachter who lives in Washington state or/and Canada. She Is a photographer. Her pronounds are she/her or them/them. She dosen't care for them. "Chirp's" bday october 22nd 1999. deerfox/lynx LIKES Cocoa Being cozy The rain Her glasses Winter DISIKES Hot weather The sun Any music too loud Floyd playing music tooo much pixelation NOTES Deerfox Floyd's older cousin. Based off minecraft music disc chirp.

Loretta "Chrip" lives in the pacific northwest in stardew hollow.

Chirp has hazelnut hair with red highlights. her ears are dark brown and lynxlike with tufts of hair on the tips. she has white fluff on her chin. her skin tone is creamsickle orange and her blood is bright red.she keeps her eyes closed most of the time becuase she needs eye contacts and dosen't like the look of them.  


Chirp is a nervous, anxious deerfox with too many plushies. Chirp is an ambivert but is leaning towards introverted. When she's sad, she tends to be a crybaby but later pretends it never happened. Her personality somewhat contrasts that of her family's. She's started to become more extroverted.

She can sew a button, has high cold tolerance [ but not for heat] , being a member of the Flynn/Fletcher/Moon family Chrip can float. Chirp can see decent without contacts ocasionally, but her vision is getting better [ slowly ]. Chirp can be fluffy and adorable. Chirp can also juggle, snap and whisle.

Chirp was a very shy child, who had tea paries with her stuffed animals for fun. She alsways thought that snow was magical, and looked forward to it every year. She enjoyed christmas the best, and her birthday was slightly after [ febuary 27th ] . She always enjoyed Cocoa, but thought it was too warm. she always wore a huge scarf and continues to wear it. She did need glasses as a child.

Chirp was still shy, but a bit less. Chirp had a few friends by the age of 14. She didn't drink or smoke for health. She got good grades and was kinda a snitch, hence why she didn't have too msny friends. Chirp was a bit standoffish on the outside. By the time of that her Nieces and nephews were little, with hemlock being the oldest. She always liked Floyd and Fozglove the most.

Ah, here we are now. She is currently shy, but friendly and has a A frame cabin. she is currently 22. She is a photographer and occasionally goes out of town for a job. Chirp is also a part time babysitter.

made october 20th, 2022