


1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Morgana

Gender: Demigirl (she/they)

Element: Dendro

Weapon: Sword

Region of Origin: Fontaine

Constellation: Securus Nauta

  • Meaning: Carefree Sailor

Story: Previously part of the Adventurer's Guild, Morgana thought that was too boring and decided to become a sailor. She sails alone on a tiny vessel looking for fame, glory, treasure, or just anything exciting. Because of their travels, they claim to have contacts in every region, which is only vaguely true. What's more true is that they'll sail anyone anywhere and not ask questions as long as they're paid. So that does mean she's met quite a lot of people from various walks of life.

Personality: While not a complete adrenaline junkie, Morgana is still a bit of a thrill seeker. She desires more than anything to travel anywhere and everywhere even if it's a bad idea. Often when she realizes she's in over her head, Morgana will still try to power through. That makes them very reliable in a pinch, but that also makes them unwilling to give up when they probably should leave.