Seth [Kamigami OC]



"It is not uncommon for other gods to spread rumors or lies to the mortals that worship them about other the gods, so that they might gain the upper hand and thus more power over rivals.  After all, adoration and love from their mortal worshippers is everything to a god in power.  So always think carefully about what you may hear or read; it may be far from the truth."

Seth lives in the Garden as, ironically, the groundskeeper, and has some sort of contract with Zeus to be there, despite not really needing any sort of obvious lessons on 'reconnecting with humanity'.  As a god of drought and as a deity of misfortune, bad intentions and just overall associated with evil, he has always tended to keep to himself.  Despite these usual impressions of him, however, some have said that Seth gives off an air of mourning and regret, as if he is suffering from great heartache.  His weathered face looks amiable, yet his eyes hold no light in them.  He is distant and withdrawn to the point that whomever decides to try to break his bastion of grief, they will have to work extremely hard.

[-Seth- would be considered a hidden/secret unlockable character after playing through all other characters' routes, much like Melissa, Anubis, Thoth or Amaterasu was in a way.  For those that have played the original 2 games, this will make sense.  Don't mind the extra info ^_^/]

When Seth's nephews Horus and Baast are sent to the Garden, he is a bit surprised to see them again.  'What could they have done to lose their love from the people?' he wonders, since he knows that his own love was lost many centuries ago.  The other two are also surprised to see their uncle, with Horus being a bit more happy.  "Uncle Seth?!  Why are you here-wait is this where you've been all these years?  We thought you'd died!"  The bitter smile from Seth couldn't be hidden as he looked at his now grown nephew.  "Yes...your father...deemed it best if I was...not in the picture anymore as you got older..."