Penelope Mills



1 year, 7 months ago



"What will the townies think~?"


Taurun the Liberated • ENFP • The Lovers

Hostile Friendly
Neurotic Stable
Serious Comical
Pessimistic Optimistic

Penelope isn’t particularly friendly, but is by no means cold. She will humor anyone who strikes up a conversation and is more than happy to make new friends. She is however, not great at keeping in contact with people. Her humor is more often than not playful teasing but sometimes finds it hard to recognize how far is too far. She is a very headstrong woman, trying to change her mind on something is an incredibly difficult task, but entirely possible.


  • Name Penelope Mills
  • Age 30
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her/Herself
  • Orientation Unlabelled
  • Hair Straight, Blonde
  • Skin Pale
  • Eyes Salmon
  • Eye Symbol Moth
  • Build Hourglass


Just a small town girl

Penelope was born and raised in a small town in illinois. She was a film fanatic from childhood, always staying on top of new movie releases. Her dream was to become an actress one day, to be a big name that the best directors would always want to have on set. She excelled in the pitiable drama programs that the town had to offer, but her family was never well-off enough to send her to anything better. She coasted through High-school with a small clique but nobody that close, she had her heart set on leaving town right at 18 after all. Nobody wants to get too close to someone who talks constantly about their plans to leave.

Unconventional Stardom

She saved up her money and did exactly that. She took her families Motorhome and drove to Los Angelos. It took her a couple months to get on her feet, but she wasted no time in trying to find an agent. She managed to get a few small parts in small films, but as the years went on she wasn’t finding the success she had hoped for. Knowing her unrest, her agent suggested she lower her standards for the kinds of parts she would consider applying for. This progressed to her starting to act in more and more risque films. After several years Penelope did end up a name directors would be excited to have on set, only as a porn actress rather than a traditional one.

Return to Form

She started making enough money from porn that she was able to quit her day job, allowing her to put even more time into her dream of becoming a traditional actress. Unfortunately she continued to only find sparing success. She eventually managed to get a leading role in a small film, and was then passed on to a bigger project with a glowing recommendation. She was turned down for the project immediately after introducing herself before beginning her audition. She demanded to know why she was turned down so quickly, and was bluntly informed that they did not want their film to be associated with adult films, and she was popular enough in certain circles to draw that association simply by being involved in the project. This was enough to shatter her dream before her very eyes. From doing something she saw as harmless to get by, she had inadvertently roadblocked herself. In a fit of despair she fled back to her hometown to get away from everything. Even after months she found herself unable to bring herself to go back.


Avon Lancaster


Avon encouraged Penelope to come work at the park with him when she came back into town. They both made a big deal of leaving, and since failing out of their respective dreams have stuck together. Since theyre seen together almost more often than apart, the other townsmembers have begun to speculate if they do more than work together.

Luke Mccann


Penelope had trusted him and his advice. She hopes her goodbye broke his nose.


  • Likes:
    Movie Theatres
    70s aesthetic
    ripping tights
    custom lamp shades
    pop art
  • Dislikes:
  • Playlist: A Moth to the Film
  • Penelopes outfit is based off the Rosy Maple Moth, which is her favourite animal
  • She knows how to crochet
  • She has a collection of custom lamp shades, and sells her own online
  • Penelopes associated fear is The Eye
  • Penelopes classpect is Page of Breath