Snowflake Sapphire



1 year, 6 months ago


Snowflake Sapphire



Gem Placement


Era Made

Era 1





MoHs Scale




The highest ranking Sapphire within the Empire, acting as the most personal oracle to the highest matriarch of the Domain. Snowflake Sapphire, an elegant and well-spoken gem, one respected throughout. They were made before Sunrise & Sunset Diamonds, being the 8th gem created total, after the Winter’s Seven. She holds the honorable task of not only acting as an oracle, but also the gem that will take over the Empire in a case where all the diamonds are inactive. Thankfully, such a fate hasn’t been predicted yet by any sapphire within the Domain so their duty as a Regent will not be enacted anytime soon. She has one of the largest personal entourages within the Empire, but it still pales in comparison to any of the Diamonds’. One of the gems in her entourage is White Pearl, a Pearl made for her as a gift from White Diamond. Their future vision isn’t just that, it is also past and present. She is able to see timelines and events from the moment they started in the past, so how they are in the present to how they will be in the future. This is just another thing that has marked her as a treasure of the Empire. As well-spoken as they may be, their formality is simply a ruse. Snowflake is truthfully a vile gem, and in the underground world of the Empire she is The Judge, the Jury and the Executioner for the most horrid rebels. With a power to chill an entire room to the point in which a gem can’t hold their form any longer, they are known to use this on any gem they wish. She’s as feared as her diamond is in this regard, commanding respect with each step. Overall, they are the next ruler of this grand Empire if the 3 current ones fall, and when they ascend to that throne, who knows what state the Empire will be in.

The rivers of time predict my succession.

- Snowflake Sapphire

The Snowy Court


  • She’s officially known as “The Regent to the Budding Domain” in title, using the honorific of “Your/My Sereness”.
  • With their gemstone in their eye, they are guided by their precognition to live their life.
  • They are by the far the most opposing figure against the diamonds within the Empire. Meaning that if she were to rebel, many, many gems would follow her lead.
  • As a high ranking member of the underground of the Empire, she is close to the Sapphire that controls it, and is also considered the Regent to the underground. Meaning that if all the diamonds and that Sapphire went down, the Empire would fully be in her control.