


1 year, 11 months ago


24 yrs
no aliases
wyvern rider



Nestor is a mysterious boy, hailing from deep within the mountains. He arrived to the capital with nothing, not even any expression on his face, but his wyvern. Little is known about him, truly. Some of his peers are convinced he's actually mute, though the closest have seen some kind of feeling breach his cold exterior as he grooms his companion. When he thieves small things throughout the castle, especially food, nobody ever suspects it could be him. There are rumors that he is some advanced form of faceless, and that he doesn't eat, drink, nor sleep- that he is soulless. These people don't see the satisfied little grin on his lips as he sits cramped in a broom closet stuffing muffins into his face.

Homesick (Dark) - Hiroki Morishita

personality. restrained / yearning / weapon

Nestor was the only boy in his age group in his home village. Though most of his scarring is from battle and training, almost just as many are from Alkonost, his wyvern, burying him in her affection. He is quite jealous of close relationships between humans, which already in of itself is rare in the harsh Nohrian social setting. So, he tends to replicate emotions and verbal expressions in front of his mirror to improve his ability to 'fit in'. He has little to no concept of fear in battle, and is at a significantly higher risk of sacrificing himself for the safety of his prince and coworkers. Although it is not appropriate for someone of his standing, he often sneaks out to attend musical performances, regardless whether they are for the royal family or found in a crooked alleyway. He dreams of being able to play an instrument himself, indulging in the innocence of music, but Nestor has doubts that his rough hands could ever be used for something other than what he was trained to do. Even just a handshake feels like he's wading through a thick viscuous liquid of hesitation.




likes warm fires, joyous singing, bath houses, cloudy days, smiling with others
dislikes disappointing the prince, letting the prince die, disobeying the prince, hindering the prince, home

... It's cold.

'Friend' - Hokuto is nice. He likes Hokuto. He can tell he's very far away from home, although he seems like home himself. Hokuto is very adaptable, capable, sociable. Nestor admires him, although he doesn't reveal it. Hokuto is a friend to him, even if Nestor doesn't quite know what a friend is, and he's the only one who believes their company is of that nature.

Coworker - Malik bakes. Nestor truly enjoys his baking, finding home in the little treats he makes off with. Malik is a bit like home too. He feels a kinship with him, despite the fact they are both quiet and do not quite interact the way you'd think friends would. Nestor considers him a friend, but with his nature, it seems only in his mind.

Coworker - Peregrine terrifies him. He is home, in all of the worst, most sickening ways it exists in Nestor's mind. He has the same eyes as his instructor, the same rigid and sharp movements of his mother, the grin of the village leader when he was chosen. Nestor looks at him the same way he did his elders when he was but a child. Nobody makes him flinch, he feels no fear, he feels nothing but duty and the need for its completion but a horrible ice-dread desperation grows in his gut standing too close to him.

Employer - Crown Prince Noe. He is the one he needs to protect. Nestor doesn't really understand why Noe regards him the way he does, but then again, he understands very little of how people regard things in general. He is a replacement, a sullen, thousand-yard stare instead of the eyes the prince wants. He is meat that does not breathe, blink, feel- only protect. But he feels an unease with how withdrawn his employer is. He could be doing more to impress him. Protect him. He must protect him. Noe's patronage is the reason he is free... he owes him his life, he needs to protect him. He needs to. The prince must be safe. The prince must live. He must. He cannot fail. Do not fail.